Moment: Allow to choose specific lists
disable option for list or items that you don't need in the plan your day list.

Miguel Balsevich commented
An example:
It is quite common to add a quick task, say "Send contract in a list. But then, you have multiple and indistinguishable "Send contract" appearing in the moment .
Daniil commented
When I plan my day I use only that tasks that are in the list Time. So tasks from other lists just disturb me. And considering the fact that I have more than 100 these "other tasks" I can say it is really uncomfortable to use Moment for now.
RAMR commented
Don't want to be that person, but I noticed that the moment feature (which can be quite powerful) becomes almost useless when it's scanning lists that are just not relevant to the feature. I hope that you'll give us more options for the Any.Do moment sooner rather than later, because it's been a while since I've been able to put it to use. As my lists grow, the feature becomes more tiresome to use.
Anonymous commented
Planer show task without to show the name of the list
Michael Rork commented
I would love to see new settings in the Moment section that allows the user to control what order the tasks in Moment show up, as well as what lists are shown.
For example, an option to sort by list, creation date, or manual sort. As well as an option to show all lists, or to select specific lists, and to sort the order the lists appear.
For me, this would look like this... No syncing of shopping lists, my morning routine list would always show up first, and the tasks would show up in manual order based on how I've sorted them in the list itself.
Anonymous commented
A real must for a task system
Brandy Seagraves commented
Any updates? I tried adding my groceries as a subtask to keep the individual food items from showing up in All Task but my husband wasn't allowed to add to the list. Does he need a premium account as well? I can't justify paying $50+/yr just to share a grocery list. I wish I noticed this glitch before my free trial was up.
Adriano commented
I think that AnyDo Moment is really usefull.
But see a list of task without have info about where they are stored can be ambiguous.
A great (and pretty simple) solution could be to add one or two label on AnyDo Page showing List name and (in case of a subtask) the related "top-task".
Thanks -
William Shields (Wes) commented
Any update on this feature?
Christine commented
I came here to request this as a feature - I have a number of tasks with the same detail (e.g. invoice, make survey, write report) but different projects (lists). I use moments all the time and would like to see which list the task is from, it would only require the addition of the list name somewhere in the moment, nothing else.
Andreas Trawöger commented
I really need an option to select the lists and roles you want to use for the plan your day.
I like the plan your day feature. But as soon as you have lots of task or lots of shared list it becomes utterly useless and it's totally silly to get ask when to do a small errant or a task someone else is leading day after day.
That would be a small modification in the settings and prevent people from getting annoyed by the plan your day feature quickly after starting to use Any.Do for everything.
Anonymous commented
I already choose a day to do a especific task, but when a tap "Plan", the app ask again. If I put 10 tasks, the app ask about the date of the 10 taks every time.
Andrew MacLaggan commented
Yeah, having my grocery list show up in my All Tasks list is just silly and renders the app likely unusable for me. I might want the task “go to grocery store” to be in my All Tasks list. I certainly don’t need the 25 items I am buying at the store to be individually represented, it just confuses things.
Phil commented
I’ve installed the app today, found this problem within 20 minutes and found this thread shortly after. The most pitiful bit of this is that it’s over a year since someone said they were looking into it. I’ll probably delete it and get cozy now
Daniel Smith commented
This is very frustrating. I can't use this app for to dos and groceries because all my groceries show up in my tasks lists/moments plan every day.
I'd like to have work tasks separate to home and not have them mingling in moments. Or the notifications on Android.
This should be a top priority fix; you're spending time and money acquiring people through Amazon Alexa thanks to the list integration, then giving them a bad experience so they're likely to leave you...
virginiajanethornton commented
Please add this! I would like to use this for both work and home - I would like to be able to go through plan my day for the lists separately. I don't use it as a grocery list or other list capacities to avoid having them come through plan my day.
Anonymous commented
In Moment you should be able to see the list where a Task is in.
If you have similar Tasks in different lists this would be helpful -
Carl Corvin commented
Please fix it. I don't need my grocery list to show up in my plan for the day
Chris commented
It is march 2018 now! We are waiting for months now. Please! A little checkbox "show in all-list" in the menu of every list would do the trick. Please team.
Anonymous commented
So the request to have lists, especially groceries, not appear in your main to do list still hasn't been figured out? I downloaded the app just to use Alexa for grocery list because someone recommended it, but decided to try it for all reminders. Not being able to delete or not have my entire grocery list appear in my daily tasks has made me want to ditch the app. I was about to pay for premium to get that function but decided to search first to see if it was available as a premium option. Guess I will be deleting instead of going with premium, bummer 😏