Product: Associate multiple e-mail addresses with one Any.Do account
I live and die by the ability to turn e-mail messages into task items by e-mailing them. I signed up for Any.Do using my gmail account, but want to be able to e-mail tasks from my corporate account as well. Without being able to associate that address to my Any.Do signup account, e-mail doesn't help me.
I could cancel that account and switch to corporate, but ultimately the strength of a good list management system is also its ability to unify multiple sources into a single list, so I think this feature is very relevant.
Either that, or set up the service so that it provisions a unique Any.Do e-mail address which users can send to from any source account.
Like many similar apps was created to support only one email account. We appreciate the feedback however we must pass on this one.
Angelo commented
I have seen that this was rejected last fall. but people have a job and they have a life....Tasks arise from both places (and at least two different emails). This missing feature makes a significant gap in the functionality...might need to reject this once again. I keep coming back because the design is quite elegant....but this is a deal breaker
Anonymous commented
Be able to activate several email accounts
Michael Wilson commented
This will become a not-negotiable for me. I moved from a todo app that allows multiple email addresses. I love but I cannot stay with it with the addition of multiple email addresses. I do not understand the hard no from the developers. Alternatively, create a unique email address for the user so that they can use any email address. Surely that is easy enough to do.
Anonymous commented
You guys should really reconsider allowing users to set up multiple email accounts to so that users can create tasks from emails from more than one account. I know this was brought up before, and you guys gave it a hard pass, justifying that it's typical of apps like yours to only integrate with one email address. But most typical people have multiple email address (at least one for work and one for personal use) that they would like to use with a single task manager account. Shouldn't you guys strive to set yourselves apart from the "typical" app like this and create a task management experience that allows what the other guys don't? I've seen a lot of hard passes from you guys on great ideas that would bring in more users, rather than keep them searching for something better and more flexible than what you currently offers.
Paul McDevitt commented
Allow two emails per Any.Do account: Today, my registered email in Any.Do is my personal gmail. I like that I can send an email from gmail to Any.Do; and it is logged as a Task. However, Any.Do will not recognize my work email if I want to send it to Any.Do to log a task. If we can have two emails listed (personal/work); so regardless of where you send it from; it makes it into Any.Do task lists > Home and Work
Related: It would be cool to put your cell number so you can forward a text to and it populates in your task list. (but you might need two cell phones for home - and work!) :)
Anonymous commented
This is Basic, would be a great service with this feature. Without, just average....
Stuart Craig commented
Anonymous commented
any word on this? it seems like a request from long ago with a lot of desire, yet no word from Is this on the roadmap? is it in progress? is it in the fridge? what's happening with this feature?
Anonymous commented
I am contemplating moving to a new To Do List for this reason. I need the ability to forward work emails to my to do list. Unfortunate because I love aside from this feature (or missing feature).
Anonymous commented
If you have Alexa at home it sits on your home email account. It would be fantastic if you could pick up work requests by adding an additional email account such as a work email.
Jon Singh commented
I want to bump this! I desperately need this.
Anonymous commented
Me too. I need this if I Am going to keep using
Anonymous commented
Yes please, I need this too!
Anonymous commented
I'm contemplating moving from Todoist but this is a deal breaker.... as mentioned many people have multiple email addresses they work from and would use to email tasks.
Anonymous commented
Asana does this very well to the point that I have 1 email address for work tasks and all emails from my personal email is tagged as a personal task! This is keeping from moving over to
Anonymous commented
Need this feature!!!
Anoop commented
Great Idea! I want this feature as well
Yash commented
Amen. As a consultant, at any given point in time I receive tons of emails across 4 email addresses. I desperately need to be able to create tasks from all of them.
Wunderlist currently accommodates multiple addresses and I'll have to move over to it until can do likewise. Which is a real shame as I really do prefer in all other respects.
Joe Blogs commented
Kevin commented
I use a work email and a personal email to send tasks to Unfortunately my account only allows one email address to be linked to it -- so anything I send from my work email just disappears.
What would be great is if you could associate multiple emails with an account and then associate each of the email addresses with a category (e.g. Personal email account goes to "Personal", work addy goes to "Work").