Reminders: Allow editing snooze options
Allow for customising the quick options (15 minutes later, 3 hours later, etc.) that show up when snoozing a task

Arisu commented
I really need this costumization.
Mohamed Abdulqader commented
To add the option to snooze tasks for 30-minutes especially for users using your application for business meetings & and for work, from 15m to 1h is alot, 30 mins needs to be added please
Anonymous commented
Setting a task to re-do every day but once in awhile I can't do a recurring task at the time I set. When I snooze a task it changes the time for every occurrence of that task. I hate that and will stop using this app if it doesn't change soon. If possible ask me if I want to snooze all or just today's otherwise change it so only today's is affected.
You are definately on the right track for me but this has to be changed ASAP.
Anonymous commented
This used to be an option and it was indeed invaluable. Without it, quick reminders or the snooze feature are essentially useless
Kiia Korpi commented, stop just PASSING these suggestions and instead leave them open so that people can keep voting and commenting on them. This is a great channel to gather feedback but you're actively telling your users to shut up by closing the open issues. I swear, if you press PASSED on this one, I'm uninstalling
Copied from other previous suggestions:
"I'd love to use the quick choices available for setting reminders, like "tomorrow", "this evening", etc. for new tasks and snoozing. However, almost all of the preset reminder times don't work for me, which means I have to use the custom reminder time option instead. E.g., for me, a reminder for "tomorrow" would almost always have to be at 8am, not 10am. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to change the default reminder times in the preferences.
This is a real productivity sink for me, because it means I have to use the custom reminder time option for almost every reminder, which takes much longer to set.
On a side note: I don't really understand why all of the similar requests that have come up in the past have been marked as "passed", meaning we can no longer vote for them. From what I've seen, I'm by far not the only one missing this feature dearly. :)"
" appreciate the custom snooze button, but I want to be able to change the default times on the snooze button, and also the default time for a new reminder.
I use to organise my personal life, so I will never be able to do a task at 10am as I'll be at work. Let me choose the default time for a reminder.
Snoozing until 10am tomorrow is useless to me, let me change that button to a user defined default, such as tomorrow at 5pm."
S Carlton commented
Ability to snooze reaccuring events without having to set it to reaxcur on a different day
Anonymous commented
Instead of having default snooze times universally set to 10am, 6pm, etc. (which is not useful for some), allow users to decide what their own defaults are. The custom option is nice, but current defaults end up being a waste of space, particularly when that space could be used to make up the 9 taps it takes to set a custom time for every reminder.
Anonymous commented
I've been setting reminders and snoozing tasks in my Google Inbox account for a long time now and it works great for me. But my morning reminder is auto set to 9am and I can't seem to change it. A 9am morning reminder time isn't useful for my schedule, nor are any of the other presets. So I'm forced to always use the CUSTOM option. This works, but it's a waste of an awesome feature to always force me to use the CUSTOM reminder option every time.
Anonymous commented
I appreciate the custom snooze button, but I want to be able to change the default times on the snooze button, and also the default time for a new reminder.
I use to organise my personal life, so I will never be able to do a task at 10am as I'll be at work. Let me choose the default time for a reminder.
Snoozing until 10am tomorrow is useless to me, let me change that button to a user defined default, such as tomorrow at 5pm.
Amir commented
Please add an option to define when to remind me when I postpone a task to "Tomorrow".
The default is tomorrow at 10. It would be great to personalize the time so that I can change this default.
Thanks -
Michael commented
When snoozing a task to tomorrow instead of them all pushing to 10am tomorrow it would be great if it could be set to either the same time next day, or to allow a random time be choosen by Currently if I snooze multiple tasks to tomorrow they all go off at 10am together and that is not helpful.
Anonymous commented
custom date/time or a button that opens task to allow it be edited.
Graham Foster commented
i take a late lunch and would like to be able to customise te reminders to (eg) 9am, 2pm, or 9pm (when the kids are finally asleep)
(sorry i cant vote for this- "voting has closed") -
Bill commented
Not being able to set a snoozed task for the next day to something other than 10am is short sighted and ridiculous. Is that a difficult programming task? Nope. Set a variable, and let the user decide. PLEASE fix that. And, like many have requested, let the user pick the snooze duration to their liking. Same scenario. Set some variables. It's programming 101.
Dmitry commented
Please add this possibility. It haven't been released!
Jason Underhill commented
This is massive for me also, 6pm for evening reminders is useless to me. I have children also and getting them it's not until at least 19.30 that I have chance to do what other tasks I need to do.
Malte commented
At least give us an extra snooze button "Custom", that allows to directly set a new snooze time.
Now I have to snooze for say 15 mintes and then go to the task and change the snooze time manually. Very cumbersome! -
Emad commented
Till now there is no option for selecting an alarming tone.
The current tone is very low. That makes tasks passed without taking any actions. -
Giampaolo commented
I totally agree, it would make setting up a new task quicker and remove the additional step of enabling the notification
Ronda commented
Have the calendar come up when resetting a reminder so we can choose the day/time rather than the limited choices.