Integration: Full integration with Google Now/ Assistant/ Home
Integration with Google Now/ Assistant / Home

William Rice commented
Amen! Google Assistant/Home integration! (Existing Prime user:
orlando_b commented
"Hey Google, remind me to feed the turtle when I get home"
"Hey Google, remind me to put my food in the fridge when I get to work".Using google assistant on my phone to set reminders would be a life changer.
Anonymous commented
I love the Alexa integration, however, I have to use Google Now on my phone. Until I can say "Alexa" to my phone, how can I get Google Now to sync with Any.Do. The FIRST company I can find that will let me sync both will get my business...yes, even my paid business.
RH commented
Ditto to all
VG commented
Google Assistant integration
Spiro commented
Yes we need Google home assistant integration. This would be awesome.
Stacey commented
I would love to see this integrated with Google Home. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
In "What is my Day" on Google Home/ Android Assistance I want to listen to the Tasks from instead of reminders from Google Calendar
Anonymous commented
Please integrate any do with Google home assistance
Ricky commented
Google is a much more smarter choice than Alexa given its further reach (Google Assistant on Android Phone + Google Home devices - as opposed to just Alexa)
Anonymous commented
Please add the ability to work with Google Assistant will go premium for sure, till then I'll use reminders in Google assistant
Anonymous commented
Please add ability to work with Google home... Will go premium right away!
dkstar0809 commented
Please add. A mirror of Alexa integrations would mean the world!
Jeff commented
I agree with the above posts, specifically Kim's in August 2016.
Anonymous commented
Is it possible that has a exclusivity contract with Amazon? Because it doesnt make sens why there is no integration with Google Home....
Angela Guo commented
Definitely! I'm still bouncing between To Do apps and Any.Do sync with Google Home would be an addition that commits me to this app.
Dennis Seely commented
P L E A S E ! ! ! !
P L E A S E ! ! ! !
P L E A S E ! ! ! !
Absolutely -
Positively need tight integration with Google Assistant (now on my 3 year old Android phone), Google Home, and elsewhere!The Alexa integration is fine... but the race between Amazon & Google is far from over. (Not to mention Cortana & Siri.
Dom commented
This would be fantastic. Currently an Alexa user but looking to switch to Google Home.
Ricky commented
Yes more focus on Google Home, Now and Assistant instead of Amazon's Alexa
Allen commented
Google has released Dev tools "actions on google"
Considering's venture into ai this seems an obvious implementation. Let em talk!