Integration: Full integration with Google Now/ Assistant/ Home
Integration with Google Now/ Assistant / Home

Karen Pierce commented
Coordinate with OK GOOGLE. Events,tasks and shopping. Then the Any.Do app will be perfect.
Michael Terje Brandt commented
Integration/interaction with Google Home. Read tasks from on Google home speaker. And add tasks to via Google Home.
Gordon W commented
See also this request, which should be updated when everything is in place
Gordon W commented
Paul, I'm also keen to see this, the latest news from AnyDo on twitter is that they are waiting on Google to enable it at 'their end' and it's 'any day now'.
paul commented
do you have the ability to interface or pair with Alexa when will we do that with Google home?
Anonymous commented
Have Any DO integrate with my daily Google Home routines.
Robert Olson commented
I would like to use "OK Google" to add tasks from my Note9. I do not have a Google Home device, but the Aelxa integration would be acceptable.
Anonymous commented
Having a full integration with Google Home and apps with a file share service, will make Any do a must have.
Christine O'Grady commented
This would be fantastic! I have held off upgrading, but integration with Google Home would seal the deal for me. Maybe after Wear OS (which seems to be in development) integration, this can be next.
Kimberley commented
That is my wish as well. It has to be compatible with Google Home for me to even consider it. I have both Alexa and Google Home, but Google is with me everywhere where Alexa is not.
Daniel Kleiboldt commented
I couldn't say better!
Martin Peters commented
Please pretty please can you add Google assistant? I am a loyal premium subscriber and sing the praises of the ANYDO app to everyone I know. But Google home assistant would just make the most awesome personal organiser app ever. Id pay 100 bucks for that feature a year!
Katie Nobriga commented
Please integrate with Google Assistant!
David commented
I'm using Google Assistant because it 'understands' more of what's said to it wherever I am. I'd like to be able to pass instant reminders to using GA instead with Alexa.
Derek commented
Absolutely agree. I'm telling Google while I drive to "Remind me to..." so I can keep my eyes on the road. But its reminder method is not close to as good as what I love about!
Jochen Wilke commented
Yes, would go for premium.
Anonymous commented
Yes... I agree.
Anonymous commented
Yes yes yes! I need this now. :)
Anonymous commented
The only thing I can do by voice with this app is open it with Android assistant. Let us make this the default reminder app. Tell that to Google.
Bryan commented
Can you add the ability to link the Google Home shopping list to