Notes: Independent notes
Please add the ability to add notes separately from a task. I need notes that won't disappear when a task is completed.
Thanks for the feedback! was designed for productivity and less for archive/note-taking 🙂
While notes are not a separate feature, you can still add them under specific tasks and if you do not want to see them in the collective views (7 Days/All Tasks/Calendar), you may simply place these items in the Someday category and only review them when needed!
Thanuja concord commented
Need another option to keep notes, similar to a diary.
only notes not tasks. -
Mike Dee commented
This would make anydo the one app to rule them all! Make it a section separate from the lists...
Mandy commented
Yes, please !!!
Nikhil Gotan commented
Add the ability to add NOTES like google keep.
Bhargav-geek Choksi commented
This is a very basic feature. It should be seperated from any task or event. Also, the personal note should be able to have password protected.
Fajar commented
I need it!
Nick Angle commented
This would be a really useful feature! It could be completely standalone from any other of the features, but having a sort of post it note section would make life easy. I often need to note down something for use later, like a measurement or address/phone number.
I'm using Google Keep at the moment but would much rather use just one app!
Mark Garrett commented
Use Evernote for that
Jewel commented
Yes, please!!!!
Linda commented
I would like it if I could make lists that are not to-do lists, like the groceries list: packing lists for the holidays, lists of borrowed stuff, books to read etc. So that they are not showing up in my "all tasks" view.
Paul Kaufman commented
Have a notes feature. Drop notes in the main part of the app and can display. Don't need to be assigned.
Anonymous commented
I think this is brilliant idea! I have separated app for notes, but it's harder when you have two different apps for organizing your day. I hope we will see note icon near grocery list (in witch I'm in love with) soon. I think it would be great to create something similar to Google keep.
Thanks for attention! -
Cha commented
Currently, notes are only added inside tasks or events. Since i'm using this totally as my planner, it would be really helpful to also have that free notes pages like any actual planner. Where I can freely write/take notes of things that doesn't really have a timeline yet. Plus, I can revisit anytime. Like a stand alone note.
Anonymous commented
Hi! It would be useful, if the app had a separate notebook. If you write some notices to the task, they're temporary. I think it's a great idea, to have a possibility writing notes, which are permanent (addresses, phone numbers etc.)
Anonymous commented
Hi! It would be useful, if the app had a separate notebook. If you write some notices to the task, they're temporary. I think it's a great idea, to have a possibility writing notes, which are permanent (addresses, phone numbers etc.)
Anonymous commented
I wish to have only note pad section inside the any do so that we can save important information which is not associated to task.
Joshua L Barrow commented
Hi Any.Do,
I love the notes section of this app - recently started using it and it is a brilliant feature. The only downside is what happens to the notes when you have completed a task?
Once you have added content to this, ithere may be notes that you want to keep. It would be great if there was an integration to say Google Keep or something similar where you can quickly store your notes with a heading.
Warmest regards,
Cody Tellerday commented
It would be great to have a tab just for notes to self. Right now I have about 10 post-its with codes on them hanging from my monitor.
M. Atteya commented
Yes! .... I wish the notes part is more elaborate. Currently, you're focusing on Tasks; notes can only be added as subtasks. I wish you can build a separate space for Notes independently from Tasks but in the same app. It would be nice too if I can sync notes with or at least import them from icloud and other popular notes apps such as Simplenote.
Anonymous commented
Please include a Notes section. Currently you have to create a task to do it and it appears as a to do,