Moment: Allow to choose specific lists
disable option for list or items that you don't need in the plan your day list.

Anonymous commented
Currently, in Any.Do moment, you cannot see what list each task is associated with. Please let us see what list each task is from when scheduling.
Bradley Sparkes commented
Exclude specific lists from 'All' and moment
Bah-leted commented
Seriously? Why isn't this an option? Deleting
Anonymous commented
There are some task that are for long term or not related to your day2day task handling.
Like you don't want to see the books-to-read or movies-to-watch every day ... -
Anonymous commented
Yes please! And to do ALL and the Moment!
JK commented
Yes please add this! Without it the "moment" feature is useless to me, too much stuff I don't want in there, and I really want to be able to use this feature!
Лиля commented
Очень важная доработка! Есть куча списков, где нужны напоминания, но при этом они не должны участвовать в ежедневном планировании. Например : распорядок дня дел, график питья воды, график приема пищи, отдельный распорядок дня ребенка, отдельно распорядок с генуборкой дома, список продуктов и список просто продуктов, очень необходимая и важная доработка!
Anonymous commented
YES!! Please build an Amazon Echo App the 100's of third-party apps already written for Alexa......that would link Echo to the AnyDo platform & lists. If I could vocally add/subtract from my lists while in the kitchen/living room......You're guaranteed my subscription !!
Anonymous commented
1. I would buy an Amazon Echo today if I could have it work with
2. The Plan Your Day feature when my day starts is great. But it includes stuff on other lists that I have there for various reasons, but not usually important/time specific. I'd love to be able to have the Plan Your Day popup work only for, say, my work list or things that I mark as important/time-sensitive.
Tarun commented
i have around 94 tasks. many of them are the books that i want to read im future or some movies that i want to watch. but during moment...i want only few things that i want to do today or i want a selected list to display im moment. It is reqlly hectoc to schedule all of them evry day. So add a feature that can exclude a selesct groups likewise. I love your app and i suggested to more than 10 people . i really loved it :).
Nur Aliya Mohd Wari commented
This shouldn't only be confined to the Moment. This should apply to the 'ALL' list as well. I don't want to see certain lists that I've created on my 'ALL' list as I use that as a way to see the tasks I have for the day. I don't want to see the list of shows I want to watch there with my homework.
Anonymous commented
I was about to suggest the same thing but looks like someone beat me to it :-). I really want this feature!
Anonymous commented
Adding myself to the list of users who want this. Don't need all 20 of my grocery items popping up in my Moment. Also, is there a way to not see tasks I've assigned to someone else in a Moment? In our Household list I've assigned certain tasks like Take out trash to my partner and I don't need to see those.
There should be an option to individually prevent any list or item from appearing on the Moment, as well as an option to have tasks assigned to other users appear only in their Moment.
Peter Engelbert commented
It's pretty terrible to have "celery" and "oatmeal" pop up when I'm planning my day with Moment. It clogs things up
Anonymous commented
Please make this come true
Anonymous commented
This is a very important request and should not be limited to Moment.
The ALL lists view also needs to be able to toggle view of any of the lists on and off.
Comparing to Trello, for instance, is simpler and cleaner and quicker but one of the things it loses is the ability to save a backlog of lists in an off-line location.
Not everything that I put into is scheduled to be done in any timescale. Maybe I have some recipes stored up in a list and I just want to keep them but not do them.
In a business context this could be long term strategic planning initiatives which I'm just editing and arranging on an ongoing basis and just want to refer to them every now and then, or print them off, but I never want to schedule them and be reminded. They're reference only.
Then again, I want to record long term goals, like "Become PMI PMP certified". I don't want to work on that as a task, but I want to refer to the goals list every now and then to assess retrospectives and inspire and re-target my direction. I may put milestones as sub-tasks and check them off but I still don't want this task in my ALL view.
So much extra functionality will just appear in if this toggle lists on/off can be brought in.
A related function is to effectively just rename the time-based headings (Today, Tomorrow, Later) etc. I know this is going to wreck the paradigm but maybe it can be implemented in off-line lists. When you toggle a list off from the active (ALL and Moment) views then those headings become available for edit. I know that's complex and there's a challenge if you bring the list back to view again but that's just a suggestion.
Adam Archer commented
Good idea, I would like to be in a list and hit moment to just do that list
Anonymous commented
great idea!
Robert Smith commented
I occidental deleted the grocery list by mistake. How do I get it back?
Ruben Loza commented
Whenever I open moment, I can't remember from which list the task is coming from since it does not show it. It would be great if it would also show the name of the list. It is easy to accomplish, I guess. Thank you :D