Moment: Allow to choose specific lists
disable option for list or items that you don't need in the plan your day list.
Anonymous commented
This would be great. I still keep a paper planner for my work tasks because they all appear in "Plan My Day" which takes a lot of time. I would love to reschedule things at different times for personal and work tasks.
Adrian commented
Exclude specific lists from 'All' and moment
DBee commented
I agree with Missy.. I would like the lists to be separate as they are categorized in 'lists' page.. And to have the option to transfer say 'grocery list' title into the today list and the items to be shown as subtask with the same functionality as the main.. Thanks.. P. S keep up the amazing work.. ANY. DO is a life saver. The fact that you guys give us customers a chance to help with ideas is incredible!! Absolutely awesome! MUCH LUV!!
Jen commented
I am trying to figure out if I can make a custom list where I can track items in that custom list completely separate from the daily task list.
Missy commented
I don’t want to see my shopping list on my task list
Hope Busby-Saywood commented
I love this idea, I have a list for places I would like to go but they don't need to be on my tasks list they are just ideas. I would love to be able to filter them out or filter out a list of presents so that I can still have the widget and not worry about my SO stumbling across it.
Debbie Rose commented
Would like to choose a specific list for widget view. Current tasks view is useless for for those with multiple lists. Thanks!
pgh commented
please create alexa shopping list widget. the to do list combined with groceries is not helpful. when shopping you should be able to pull up just your groceries easily.
Anonymous commented
Yes! I kept wondering why I couldn't figure this out. At the very least I ought to be able to skip the item quickly rather than have to assign it as later/someday
Anonymous commented
Deleting! I can't believe this feature doesn't exist. Shopping lists for "Today to-dos"... I don't think so!
Anonymous commented
Also adding my voice to the ability to hide specific lists from moment/all tasks (looking at you grocery list)
Anne Büttner commented
Same use case as Pico: I have to go through my whole grocery list to get to my daily tasks. Makes it impossible for me to use the any do moment feature which I actually love :/
Eduard Nigma commented
I use a list called Unsorted Inbox as my default list (GTD style), and every week I go through the tasks in this list and assign them to their appropriate lists like Grocery Store, Work, etc.
I’d love something like Moments to sort lists in the Default List to their appropriate lists if they’re unsorted so I dont have to manually go through each task and assign it :-)
Pico commented
As a sample use case. One of my lists is for groceries that I need to buy. It's annoying to have to see every item on my grocery list in my moments. It would far better if I could exclude the list completely.
Anonymous commented
This would be so helpful - I retain lists of books I want to read, shopping lists, home DIY projects - they do not need to pop up in my Moment every day.......
Tasha Crabtree commented
The same for me. I would pay for this app if I could choose which lists were on moments.
Iain B commented
I use for shopping, I go into a store and open the list and work out what I need to buy. I use alexa to add items to my shopping list. I also have a list of household chores that I need to primarily do at the weekend.
Then when I get to work I have a "HR" list for my line management duties and a general work list for most other items.
But when I want to prioritise and use any features such as "moment" I have to prioritise buying toilet paper against setting my staffs Q2 objectives.
There should be a way to separate out the context. And ideally If I chose to have a list of stuff I need to do or buy only when I'm at a certain place (like shopping) I should be able to filter that out from the urgent chore I need to do regardless of where I am.
Anonymous commented
As the title says, it's annoying to have tasks assigned to others show up in my moment view - I'm not doing the task, why should I control when it's to be completed.
Ryan Pettit commented
This is a deal breaker type issue. Don't need to see butter, milk, and eggs as urgent tasks anywhere on my devices.
Damion Lambert (solidstatesoul) commented
The comment here go back to May last year. Why has no one changed this feature? Who the hell wants their shopping list in their to do today?