Reminders: Allow pinning locations on the map
The app only allows you to type a location where you want to be reminded. This is a disaster because not all locations are listed on the database and consecuently you are unable to set the remider.
It would be great if you could manually displace the pin on the map to the desired location.

Marco Perez commented
Tap in a certain point of the map to add a location based remainder
Frank commented
Like Paul Rubtsov said:
>>it would be easier to save locations like home, work, school, etc. it works great in google now.
It takes ages to find the desired location and in most cases that would be same locations like home, office or some shops, etc. Would be nice to be able to save at least 5-10 locations to use with Geo reminder.
Mehrdad Ahmadi commented
Yes, I just found out by typing my address in the address field, the location will point to somewhere else. Maybe you should either use another map or allow users to pinpoint.
Remi commented
In rural areas adress based pins are pretty useless. we need manual placement pins and radius settings. -
Remi commented
This is one of the things i really miss from this app. I live in a rural area. and address pins are really uselless out here. they are way off to ever trigger.
SO PLEASE, add custom pin placement and radius =) -
rombout commented
He'll yes, location add now is useless! Unless you remind yourself to drive past that point ;)
Anonymous commented
This works great in the calendar add-on. Why not with tasks?
Anonymous commented
I know that we can enter an address in the location finder but I would like we just pin a place on the map in place of entering the address. It iseasier for me as I never know the address by heart. Even more I don't know the number of the house and in Europe it is quiet complex as the number of the house don't match with exact location most of the time.
Just an idea. Maybe there is already a previous post on this.
The map should be interactive. You always know the address or the location on the map particularly if you are away from home. What is the point of an address if you do not know where you are? In the future, it could even take you to a turn by turn navigator or at least a route. Great app, just need some polishing. I believe that you made it as simple as it could be and build on suggestions. I also know the issues with complicated apps.
Paul Rubtsov commented
I would really agree with Vishai:
>>it would be easier to save locations like home, work, school, etc. it works great in google now.
It takes ages to find the desired location and in most cases that would be same locations like home, office or some shops, etc. Would be nice to be able to save at least 5-10 locations to use with Geo reminder.
HCFS commented
It should be possible to add a general area with f.ex. a radius of 50 meters.
Also, I would have liked to add a chain/brand of stores!
So if I'm close to a specific vendor I prefer for a product, then I would be reminded.
Anonymous commented
Dear, perhaps allowing us to enter coordinates is easier than having us pin the location on a map. For us users it is a bit more work, but with the help of f.i. Maps it allows us to enter an exact location anywhere on earth. I tried it, but for now the coordinates are turned into an address, which in true distance can be (too) far away. Best option, of course, would be pinning on a map.
Frank commented
This would be a great help! "As soon as I arrive at work tomorrow, I must remember to charge the forklift" needs a much smaller radius than "Next time I get somewhere close to Exampletown I should call Ton to see if he has time for coffee" or "My wife likes chocolates from this or that shop, so if I am within (depends on how much she loves them and how much you love her) distance from there, remind me to buy a box"
Frank commented
Good idea, and seems so obvious too. Me too I would like to be able to save locations, as suggested in one of the comments. Thought I read somewhere that this is possible, but I haven't discovered it yet.
vishal commented
it would be easier to save locations like home, work, school, etc. it works great in google now.
Sakthi Tharan commented
In India we can't pin point the location just using the address. We need to move or change the location pin to dropped manually by us to get better location experience.
We also need to adjust radius of the pin surrounding location..... It will help esp. when our gps is in off.
Doug commented
It would be great if we could save locations we frequently go too! Work, school, home, ect.
James Donnelly commented
The location reminder to have a radius setting option so if you are in the general vicinity of the area you need to visit a reminder will come through.
An option to set the distance of the radius would help so it can encompass an area you know you will be passing through and automatically trigger the reminder.