Product: Tags/ labels and color coding
Color tags are officially available for all Android and iOS users!
They will be coming to the Web app later this year as we plan on releasing a whole new interface.
Stay tuned for updates on our social media :)
Anonymous commented
For those of us more visually inclined, maybe we can assign colours to our lists?
Anonymous commented
Really Keen to see a different colour for each list, so in the all tasks view I can easily distinguish between lists.
Naia commented
Set up everything on and realized there's no tagging. Hello, Todoist!
Shauna commented
Having a function to tag lists so you can enable certain preferences to the lists.
Visibility times - e.g Turning a Work List off during certain hours and days
Sharing - Having the ability to automatically share with certain people with a specific tag
Location - Be notified of tasks when in a certain location (supermarket) when certain tags are assignedThere are many more option but these are the main functions I would love to see added to enhance
Sam commented
I'm often on "all tasks" view, its can be helpful to have a color by list so my "all task" be colored coded.
(Excuse my English) -
Luka commented
It would be great to have the ability to give tasks different levels of priority.
Anonymous commented
Have the ability to prioritize by low, medium, high, urgent and then list them in that order stars would work too.
Anonymous commented
I'm reviewing right now ... and seeing that it doesn't have tags/labels is a deal killer ... how sad. Bye!
Anonymous commented
This is a great idea!
Mark Johnson commented
It’s not possible to cut/paste in this system, so it’s all in the header, sorry.
Michael Eger commented
I do resource theming and time theming. Many of my tasks can be done in different work modes.
Labels or tags would allow me to search for tasks that belong on many lists.
Labels and tags are the tool that makes tools like ever note so valuable and worth paying for.
This is the only feature todous has that lacks and I miss.
Anonymous commented
Considering switching from Trello to; tags are the only missing feature.
Ana commented
I need to prioritize ABC or 123. Great app! Thanks!
Meagan commented
Please! Seems like this would be so simple to implement, and would make a world of difference to my organization.
Deni commented
like, seriously, in 2015 you said youd start working on evernote/tags integration, but did not. At least give us the ability to tag/# our notes for easier search and GTD methods.
This is insane, what are you doing over there guys!!!!?
rgrs commented
Agreed too!
Leigh McDonald commented
David Lazarus commented
I would go so far as to say that many of the requests are "project" related, and that a totally separate app may be necessary to include all the important features which a project environment requires
e.g. start and end dates, milestones, assigning responsibilities, estimated time to completion, task status, project rates (cost) per hour, etc etc.
These would need to be premium features.Or alternately, integrate with a project management type app like Trello.
David commented
Keep it simple. Whole numbers only. All other numbers update upon task completion (#2 becomes #1 after #1 is done). Should have ability to insert a task anywhere within priority list and other less priority tasks will shift down a number. Should have an alternative interface that only displays #1 priority.
Ricky commented
If you're not working on this then please remove it