Product: Add Goals
Add the feature for yearly goals , monthly goals weekly gaols and daily goals

Cal Campbell commented
I love this idea. You should be able to add goals to which you can attach tasks. If there's a target date for the goal, include a daily countdown. Also ensure there is a progress bar displaying the tasks completed/total tasks.
Mark Augustin commented
Hi! How to set weekly weight loss goals, and what a realistic weight loss goal for one week is? - walking 20,000 steps a day allows me to eat whatever I want and still burn fat.
Jonathan Frisk commented
Goals are a must for me. I am Premium but will switch if anydo doesn't do anything about this.
For both my business and personal life:
I have tasks that others want me todo (Implemented) or things I just need todo. But I also have goals that I break down into tasks. But where should I track my goals?Now: As of now the subtasks are too bad to be used. And a new list (as a goal) with tasks wouldn't remind me of my overall goal.
How to improve?
This could be done in many ways.- MVP: ALLOW NESTED SUBTASKS. Where subtasks have exact same features as tasks! (reminders etc) = task-subtask-subsubtask-etc. This is the most requested feature at the site!!
Zach Lyndaker commented
This would augment how the app can be leveraged: large projects, personal habit tracking, gamification...seems as easy as adding a macro category and using the current task functionality below it!
Barnhill Organics commented
I would like to list my Goals with due dates,
Tknowledge commented
I have been searching for a good Gos/ setting App but home of them seem to work for me. So then I thought if Any. do would incorporate Goal setting, it would be phenomenal.
To take this app over the top, it must incorporate Goal Setting and positive reinforcement. Start off with Morning Coffee which would be a set of things you're grateful for or looking forward to for this day.
Then have a section for Affirmations. Have this section on a schedule to go off every morning at a time you select.
Next, your Monthly Goal. Let's have the ability to attach your To Do List to those goals in order to show progress towards reaching that goal.
Lastly, an Annual Goal. Goals that you can attach to the monthly Goals to see if you are on track.
Every morning, have your completed To DO List tasks show up as positive affirmations of what you completed the previous day.
I Love this Any Do app. I use it more for work than I do personal. Implementing Goal setting would have me use it even more
Anonymous commented
I use to write down long term goal ideas and/or big purchase items I'd someday like to buy. I wish I could create a list where I could put those things and it wouldn't go into my Daily Planning items
Adam commented
I find myself using other applications to write out and monitor my big picture goals. I then transfer the actionable items to so as to not clutter my lists.
It would be good to be able to have these goals, eg read 12 books this year or publish a new course, within this app. Perhaps even with a progress bar that can be manually updated.
A potential long term item to consider is a more project management approach by allowing full projects to be created.
Eg for writing a book:
Project - publish book
Task 1 - introduction
Sub task -
1.1 - write content
1.2 - proof read content
1.3 - external review
1.4 - exportTask 2 - Chapter 1
(As task 1) etc.
Where this would differ from what can already been done is that there would be an option to link these items and only the lowest (current) subtask is shown in the active list.
The main tasks could also be linked if preferable so that the user could choose to see the subtask 'write content' for each chapter or have it simplified that the whole of task 1 (introduction) would need to be completed before the following items even show up.
Kind of an MS project meets situation. Do appreciate this would be a nightmare to code so would still be very happy with the manual percentage input.
Adam -
James Thompson commented
I have a daily morning goal and it would be nice to have it ready to check off each morning. My goal is to wake up at a certain time and complete certain tasks before accessing any electronics. But when I access my dashboard the task is marked as completed from the day before and I have to uncheck it then check it off in order to get the fulfillment this app provides - completing tasks. It takes the magic away when the task is not smiling at you ready to be checked off.
Anonymous commented
In this area the main items are not taks, but the subitems can be. Example:
Past: Lose weight
1. make a walk every morning.
1.1 start walk tomorrow (alarm to 7am)
2. go to the gym next month -
Anonymous commented
The seminal book on the subject of life planning is "How to get control of your time and your life" by Alan Lakein. His main thesis is that you need to start with life goals and then write 5 year goals that will help you achieve your life goals, then you're early goals it will help you to achieve your 5 year goals, then monthly, weekly, and daily goals all designed to help you achieve longer range goals.
Anonymous commented
Add S.M.A.R.T Goals sheets to help people better manage their goals more effectively. Benefits the community as study shows only 5% of the worlds population have written goals.
Anonymous commented
It's not tasks & subtasks only, adding parent folders features, check lists & Tags will allow all users to use anydo as goal/project planner
Mose commented
I support this. As a person working part-time, it gets very easy to lose the big picture when tackling side projects and self-improvement initiatives. I am currently learning to code and I know it takes time, but not being able to set a goal allows me to slack off when I greatly struggle or when I succeed for a particular day. I need to convince myself to continue chipping away so that at the end of the period I can look back and know I put in the time. Makes it less daunting to pursue life changing projects.
Serge commented is great for brainstorming tasks and then writing them down in order of urgency (today, tomorrow, someday). However, quite often when we brainstorm the tasks (planning), we have extra ideas, quotes that inspired us and various thoughts, not just the task itself. If I write it down in the "notes" section of, then it's kinda hidden and forgotten, while I need something of a constant reminder in front of my eyes.