Lists: Show/ hide Completed Tasks
I would like to have a toggle inside of any list I'm viewing to show/hide all completed tasks. As it is now, the only way to get to completed tasks is to go to Settings > Completed Tasks and it is a unified list of all completed tasks across all lists. With my workflow, I often have occasion where I need to see what was completed for a given list and this will be hugely helpful to be able to quickly filter the view to show completed tasks in descending order for a specific list.
You can now do this using filters
NC commented
Hello, I agree, the present situation is not satisfactory.
Unlike other people in this conversation, I would like the completed tasks to be hidden in the web view and only visible through a menu. This is a critical feature in my opinion. -
Cam commented
Just chiming in with the other folks- this would be an extremely helpful feature. Please do add it!
Adriana Calle commented
please add this feature!!
Anonymous commented
These folks are asking for more than 5 years now and does not think it is important to see "Completed Tasks" :) Pathetic.
They are making a day 1 expectation appear like a great / difficult feature :( -
Emilio Luque commented
I would like to add my voice to this chorus of users asking for this feature, which is, unfortunately, a really important matter for me and may encourage me not to renew my subscription.
Matjaz commented
That would really be helpful. Also, when I look for completed task I can't view it's details or notes.
Olek commented
IMO, completed feature is implemented in very unexpcted way.
Also it has problem when it comes to Alexa integration. Items are removed forever at some point when list is synchronized with Alexa.So
I've just created list like "Name.cmpl"(non in sync with Alexa) and move all items which can be completed into there. Which means I do not complete the item but just move it into the ".cmpl" list.
Interim - main list
Interim.cmpl - completed from Interim -
Cris Strovilas Letourneau commented
Please keep the completion date attached to the completed tasks. I had someone question WHEN did I do a certain task but I had to search for it in an unordered list. There seems to be no way to tell. Just a list of completed tasks is unhelpful if you use tasks as a habit tracker.
Lugh commented
Adding a “Completed” section at the end of each list would be very helpful. It being able to be minimized would be a nice addition, but just getting it separated out would be great.
Callie commented
Agreed. It could be a filter or even a header to group the list type. (expand collapse would be great too!)
Dave commented
The ability to see completed tasks by viewing the calendar would be a great help. I need to see what day I completed the task
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to be able to see what was completed when.
Anonymous commented
Sad that this is not a basic feature, who doesn't want to reference their completed tasks?! Given that this was requested in 2015 and is still not a feature as of December 2018 gives me no hope. Not going to use this app!
Annie commented
Thank you!!! I have searched to find this feature. I don’t like not being able to view what I have accomplished. It makes it much easier for me to see what has gotten done for the day. The way it is now, going to the completed tasks list through settings, it is all scrambled so I can’t even find what I’m looking for. I would be so happy if this feature was added!!!