Moment: Set Moment for tomorrow
Sometimes, you want to organise and priortise your next day before hand, and it would be great to have an any do moment for it.

Sam Abusubha commented
Some sort effective feature that helps to develop someone's habit.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice, if you could use as reminder of your repetetive goals. Not just by day but weekly for example. Not a tracker, just checkbox is okay.
It would be task as any other, but the checkbkx would have been reseted after choosen number of days passes.
You can use the all like this now, but only with reminder. But what if you dont want any reminder, just a list of your weekly goals and simple track about what you have accomplish?
Anonymous commented
Plan option for tomorrow required
Anonymous commented
I use labels for this, but I would still love to have this option so I can use labels for something else. :)
Anonymous commented
I was just thinking of this yesterday. I would love to have some sort of statistics for certain events, eg. working out.
Jesus commented
This would be an awesome addition.
Jason commented
I just want to add that if this were added, please make it optional in the interface! One of the main reasons our team uses is because it DOES NOT have Habit tracking or any of the other all-in-one apps. We've all used many different to do apps that have habit tracking in place and it is just not something we are looking for - we just like that it does a good job of tracking to-dos with other people and across devices.
Nick Parker commented
I really like apps that tell me how many consecutive instances/days I've repeated a recurring activity eg foreign language practice, workouts, etc.
Lots of apps support this but in most of them the streaks are the central feature and the apps fail at other basic features, or they're use case specific apps like my workout and foreign language.
If Any.DO just had a little "Completed X times in a row" tracker on recurring tasks which goes to zero whenever a task isn't finished the day of its reminder, it'd really help motivate me.
faruk.kutlu commented
Would you consider adding location based sunrise and sunset times ? My days usually start with sunrise and end sometime before sunset depending on season. I use another app for this purpose but it is just nothing more than a basic alarm.
Myrrh commented
Definitely more options to say what status the task is in. ie.. Holding. In progress. Waiting. Etc.
swierczynski.marcin commented
3 years users's asking for this so important functionality and team don't react. I think it's time to change application and resign from Premium.
Mikala Henderson commented
I would be impressed Any.Do decided to collaborate with Fabulous. That might be a bit of a stretch though.
No Name commented
The Plan My Day feature is meant to attract and retain users, but since many (or most?) users plan their day the day before, then the feature is not very useful.
Unquestionably, this should be a very high priority feature to add to, since at this point risks losing users to competing apps and platforms that are quickly becoming standards.
Anonymous commented
We absolutely need this kind of feature! This feature will allow Any. do to help us have a fast review and provide sufficient information to improve our effectivity
Anonymous commented
This is a great idea, and it gets my vote. Such a feature would require another very welcome improvement: distinguishing between a successfully completed task and a shamefacedly abandoned task!
Al commented
I'm settling for despite its limited recurrence functionality, and lack of habit tracking.
Dale Record commented
Build in a habit tracker into - I think the platform is fantastic, but I often use recurring tasks to help me create a habit, but there isn't a huge satisfaction when you complete it, as it pops up the next day.
If you had a habit list which allowed you to check each time you successfully completed a habit, and gave you a report at the end of a week/month it would be fantastic.
There are other apps that do this, but would love to tie it together with my task list.
Clair Maurice commented
I want it for the ‘waiting to hear back from others’, with an automatic ‘hey did they get back to you?’ feature
Pavel Shut commented
Planning my day is a killer feature and actually this is why i found and installed this awesome app. Howewer, it's better to plan for tomorrow in the evening of the previous day. So it would be cool if there was an ability to automatically assign tasks for tomorrow if i set the reminder to run in the evening.
Maduli commented
I really recommend this.