Product: Select default add date (today/ tomorrow/ someday)
We appreciate everyone's input regarding this suggestion! At this time, this type of feature is not on our agenda but should it be relevant in the future we will reactivate this request :)
Please note that tasks are added automatically under Today as part of our productivity features so users can prioritize those items and use My Day to assign due dates as needed.
If you wish to add to any of the other categories, you're able to:
On mobile - tap the + icon next to the relevant time category and add the tasks directly under it.
On desktop - simply use the multi-column sorting to add the task directly to the column of your choosing.
Богдан Конончук commented
Hey, Any.Do team, could You please proceed on this?
It is so annoying to change the default day everytime...
I'm thinking ti change my task management app because of this issue (default day set as today) -
Jeebuss Crypes commented
Wow, so people have been asking for this for 7 years and yet...I guess I won't be renewing. I feel suckered for paying in the first place.
Nehemiah Loury commented
This is such a convenient feature and the fact it doesn't exist is the primary reason why I'm thinking about changing task apps. Please add this, it's so useful and sooooooo simple!
Paul Brusser commented
I just installed and subsequently deleted this application on my Windows and Android for this reason. Switching to an alternative
Neil Sedlak commented
This explains why I couldn't figure out how to keep new tasks from showing up in Today unless I assigned some kind of a date to them. I either need to spend more time adding tasks, which breaks the flow of quickly adding things as I think of them, or I end up having to mentally and then actually filter my Today list in real time rather than during a dedicated task review time period.
Anonymous commented
Any news when this will be added?
Mark Garrett commented
Also add next weekend
Jonny commented
This is my main hangup with using the app and paying into it. Why would I want every to do items I think of through my day to go into the today category by default? I want them to default into someday so I can pick from there when creating my daily schedules.
Sarah Elizabeth Confer commented
Currently, tasks are set to “Today” by default. This creates unnecessary extra work to move items into “Someday” if we don’t want them appearing in Today’s tasks. To see all unscheduled items from all lists appear under Today deters me from even using the app. It makes adding new tasks overwhelming and having multiple lists for different purposes useless. Please change new tasks/items to “Someday” or an undefined option by default. :(
Nick Nicolaysen commented
This 100% needs changed to Someday by default if there isn't a choice. Allow us to plan our day by selecting tasks to add to it after brain dumping tasks all day rather than having to move everything to someday just to review it later
Anonymous commented
Dafault for adding new tasks should be in the ”someday” and not the ”today” caregory. That scenario is more likely and less stressful, since they autocamaticivally start moving in urgency and I don’t wany them to.
Makarios Tang commented
Problem: When dragging tasks between lists, dragging a task on to a completed task in a different list causes the dragged task to fall back to the previous list.
Rationale: Small improvement that would help new users be comfortable with the app, and reduce the dragging distance required.
User experience: Task dragged on to a completed task in a different task list would automatically move to that new task list below the oldest task and above the latest completed task.
ogredude commented
I would love to be able to set the default due date on a per-list basis. Lists such as the grocery list can default to "Someday" and stay out of my calendar, other lists can be set to default to Today or Next Week, etc.
Anonymous commented
Having a user-defined default date setting (Today, Tomorrow, Someday or specific number of days in the future) would make this app 10 times more useful as a task management app.
As it is I have to wade through dozens of things like grocery list items, which don't really have a due date (other than when I go to the store next) to see what I need to focus on today. If I could default all new tasks to "someday" that would let me target/plan my days much more easily as all non-dated tasks would stay out of the way.
Félix Wilhelmy commented
Please... Why isn't there anything done about this :(
Gary Pearlson commented
Although tasks entered into “Someday” stay there as time goes by, tasks entered into “Upcoming” currently always, at some point, move into Tomorrow, and there is currently no way to stop this from happening.
This is because the default date given those tasks is always the first day the of the next week. Although the user can customize what the starting day of the week is, that's currently the extent of the control the user has.
My idea is to allow the user to choose from 3 possible default dates for the date that results when entering a new “Upcoming” task:
1. First day of the week. (The current, only option default.)
2. Specific number of days from now (“10 days from now.”)
3. Never (default is task stays in “Upcoming” until further action by user.)Ideally, there would be, on that same default decision screen, a “Yes / no” question choice whether or not the default happens everytime, or if instead, the user will be prompted during the creation of each “Upcoming” task whether or not the user wants to use the default choice (whichever of the 3 is set) or instead override the default with a specific date to be used for this specific task.
Anonymous commented
I am searching for a new list management system. Long story short, the inability to default task to Someday is deterring me from continuing to use
Andre commented
Not all task are date oreinted. I want to be able to select someday for a task I'm creating without having to go to the category after scrolling past tommorrow. It will make it more efficient and allow me to change a due date task to someday without having to retype and create it in someday
Matous Hrbek commented
Yes, agreed totally!
Kimberly Orr commented
Please consider adding this incredibly simple and easy-to-code feature: give the user the option (in settings) to have all tasks default to having no due date. Changing a task from the app’s default due date of today is currently a 100% manual process, and must be done at the individual task level. That is overly burdensome for users, is bad UX practice, and is currently a huge flaw in this app (almost so much that I’m considering discontinuing use of the app altogether).