Tasks: Subtasks/ notes/ reminders/ recurring reminders indicators
Ability to see if a task has sub tasks without having to click on it. There should be a flag to indicate this.
Matthias commented
Totally agree. This would be helpful to easily identify subtasks that need to be actioned.
Anonymous commented
Totally agree! I'd really like to be able to see which tasks have subtasks from the list view.
Anonymous commented
I work on several projects. Each has its own Folder. My favorite view is ALL-TIME-VIEW. I see only the Tasks and have no idea of their Folder.
So, add the Folder name before the Task name.Thanks,
Martin commented
I see you have small dot for notes and counter for sub-tasks when in the actual task - same thing on the time view, list view would be very beneficial
Martin commented
looking at long list of tasks it would be handy if it had a small tag for notes and sub-tasks to see which tasks include more information assigned
Jason Climer commented
I agree with all of this - if you're trying to use this type of app to make better habits or for other essential things (e.g. health related) not being able to tell if you're swiping the "AM recurring event" or "PM recurring event" or "tomorrow recurring event" is a real problem.
Serra Jefferys commented
When displaying the number of subtasks, I think it would be helpful in the little icon to put, for example, "2/5" instead of just "5" to show how much subtasks you have completed out of how many you have total. I think it would be much more motivating!
Michael commented
Add a number count (3) on a task to represent the number of sub tasks a specific task has. Or represent incomplete sub-tasks (3/7) out of total subtasks. This would allow you to distinguish at a glance which tasks have sub tasks and which do not.
Eric commented
I can't tell at a quick glance what I am responsible for versus what is someone else's responsibility. Adding a badge/initials/avatar would solve this.
docsuyash commented
When you look at your items in a particular list, you should be able to see a no. which will refer to subtask. it will differentiate task without subtask from task with sub task..
Husam Hamid Osman commented
* Issue: when viewing tasks in Time View, user has to press (touch) each task to see which List it belongs to.
* Solution: display the List task belongs to next to it below it by default (without having to press on task)
- Go to Swimming Pool
Persona | 6:00 PM
- Prepare Presentation
Work | 9:00 AM -
Anonymous commented
Display N1/N2 at each main task. Where N1 is number of tasks completed N2 is total sub task.
Chris Wilmer commented
I think assigning leaders for shared tasks is helpful... but how can someone see (at a glance) which tasks they are responsible for?
Romano Signorelli commented
When clicking over a task please show the notes, if present, below the task
Anonymous commented
make them more visible from the 'main' category list. Although I'm not sure how this would look, I figure that if you are looking at ALL of your list categories, OR if you click on a certain one, if there is a task with sub tasks, it needs to be easier to see (ie. Remember that they are there!). If there are more people like me, I remember to put them in, but if I don't remember to look for them, I forget. There is no way that can be good.
Anonymous commented
make them more visible from the 'main' category list. Although I'm not sure how this would look, I figure that if you are looking at ALL of your list categories, OR if you click on a certain one, if there is a task with sub tasks, it needs to be easier to see (ie. Remember that they are there!). If there are more people like me, I remember to put them in, but if I don't remember to look for them, I forget. There is no way that can be good.
phalancs commented
In a list view of all tasks, i cannot see what group a task belongs. Say I have clients as groups and many subtasks titled "create design". I cannot see what design to be created when in the all taska view.
This is weird.
Frank commented
Yep, and also show which folder a task belongs to when the reminder is given. E.g. if the reminder only says "Ask if available next Monday" I could struggle to remember who I had in mind asking. If however this task is in my list "Customer A" I automatically know what I wanted to remember.
Pat Taylor commented
We need to know, at a glance, whether a sub task exists for an item. I don't want to have to click an item on my list just to see if a sub task exists. A little icon with a number after the item title , or something similar, would be great, and is necessary.
Maurice Marcus commented
It would be nice to see the date and time on the initial screen instead hf having to go into reminders.