Moment: Display Someday tasks
Show all someday tasks in play your day, or at least give an option for it.
anydo commented
This would be a feature that caused me to get premium
Tom Paine commented
I have a large list of 'someday' tasks I am ready to assign 'Plan my day' style dates to
David Rodríguez commented
Someday tasks should be added to My.moment, and there should be an option to choose how often are they gonna appear in My.moment, something like "weekly on monday" "montly" "every 3 days" in order to schedule them and not forgetting about them. It can be an option to enable, so people that don't want these feature dont have to deal with it.
Anonymous commented
Yes! I would love it to say, “Would you like to review your Someday tasks and see if any of them need to be scheduled?”
Anonymous commented
My Someday list is becoming my "forget about it list." It would be great to see an occasional message like "(a task) has been in your someday list for (a time), are you ready to do it yet?"
Gmail does something similar with emails and it's super helpful.
مصطفى خطاب commented
Someday tasks may be forgotten over time, so "Any. Do Moment" feature may suggest to plan "Someday" tasks after planning "Today" tasks.
Yes or No suggestion not start planning "Someday" tasks directly, otherwise it will be annoying to show all those tasks every day.