Widget: Translucent/clear widget
Give the option to make the widget clear versus white or the other colors

Translucent widget came out for Android in version 4.5 :)
Teresa commented
DEFINITLY! I like to actually SEE my wallpaper! And especially the PREMIUM version! With the acception of the Google calendar widget, I dont beleive that Ive run across any other app which does not have this option! Rediculous!
Aline commented
Fundo do widget transparente
Allene commented
I cannot use this app until you reduce the amount of transparency in the font and increase the size of the font (better to give choices) for iOS users. Please notify me at that time.
Predrag commented
This feature would be great given all the white space
Hollis commented
That'd be really cool so I could still see my wallpaper.
It'll happen! (But not quick enough...)