Calendar: Display task duration
Display duration per task, in addition to the reminders itself.
Anonymous commented
Time-blocking is the way to go ... but if tasks have no time-duration, it's impossible!-)
Anonymous commented
When I have a new task, say WASH THE DOG for instance. You could make a new job titled WASH THE DOG. There would be a place where you could put an approximate time you project it to take. Say, 2 hours. You would have a calendar and could drag the job to the day and place you wanted on the calendar. Each member of your team would have their color. You could easily schedule the team members' day. They would clock in on a job and it would show up as IN PROGRESS. If they went over time, it would show up at OVER TIME and would start scheduling their jobs out further. There would be a place to add files... when the job was complete, they would clock out, and it would say that it took 2 HOURS to wash the dog. They could add a few notes like how much soap it took, and how many times they rinsed the dog etc. Billing could then see the job was complete, and they would open the job to see actual time and notes. I have some more ideas, but this would be the basic idea. Looking forward to hearing your feedback!!!! :-)
Ben commented
There aren't many features that I feel are missing or needed to make perfect, but having the option to add a duration to a task is the main one.
kagomiko commented
Please implement this, it would be very-very useful !
kagomiko commented
This would be a dealbreaker feature for me.
Владимир Буржуй commented
Kelly Hart commented
I would really love a time estimation feature!!! I tried to do this with tags but it got way too messy.
Bárbara Lúcia commented
I would love to see the duration of the tasks!! It'd help a lot my organization
Anonymous commented
Yes!!! And I would love to have an ability to add a start and end date and time to each task and have an option to add that as a timeblock on my calendar. Thank you for considering our feedback. I am excited about this app!
Joe commented
Yes this would be so useful. Asana/Click Up call this "time estimate". On asana when you select multiple tasks it displays at the bottoms the total time estimate for those tasks - it would be so useful! I am always too ambitious with my days, so it would help me realise what I've planned is not achievable. It also focuses my mind - so that if I've set a time estimate of 15 mins then I will really focus on achieving it.
If deployed in a similar way to Asana, I think it could be done without changing the approach to the UI too much.
Sajith commented
Able to set duration for each task will be helpful when viewing on the calendar. It will help with better planning
Sergio K commented
Yes, subtask duration is important to do planning of long tasks that span several days. Having several tasks, generating subtasks in a week, to review the sum of all hours in a day.
Joshua Roberts commented
Yes, I would love to plan duration for my tasks! This would help with organisation and time management so much!
Anonymous commented
I would like to split tasks it in to sprints, the duration might be 3 hours but I can only work focused about 90 min so I would like to add it 2 times in my calendar.
Anonymous commented
Is there a monthly view for the calander?
Anonymous commented
Por que não existe a diferenciação entre Tarefa e Evento na versão desktop.
Arman commented
Yes! I want to be able to add a duration estimate to my tasks! Then I'd like to be able to click an empty space in calendar view and have a pop up with only the tasks that could fit in that timeframe show up to be assigned!!
Anonymous commented
When glancing at Calendar the time slots are barely visible and it would be good to see time blocks. When adding an event, it would be good to show you are overlapping an event
Linda commented
I would like the possibility to add a duration to my tasks, like "homework" > 1 hour..... And better, with a working alarm timer :-D
L.monnier commented
Very usefull to know how much time you do spent for a client , a task .....