Reminders: Separate items for recurrences
Once a recurring task is completed, it should be reflected as any other completed task. Right now, the task is always shown even once it's done because eventually it needs to be done again. This means you never really have the satisfaction of completing the task, and tend to ignore when it's actually time to do it because it's just always hanging around...
My suggestion would be for recurring tasks to disappear from the list once completed, and reappear the day before the task is set to recur.

We’re looking into possible alternatives for the current functionality. We will keep you guys updated :)
Raphael commented
The way the recurring reminders work currently is that once I complete the current task, the new one will be scheduled, but in my opinion that's really not the optimal way to handle the reminders. Some might be very important, so in case I accidentally dismiss them (be it by mistake, bug, or interaction with other apps), or if I forget to mark them as done, I'm gonna miss all of the following reminders! I think the following reminders should be active regardless of I deal with the previous one or not.
Besided That, I think we also need either persistent notifications (an option in android where it's impossible to accidentally dismiss a notification) or make in a way that it's impossible to overlook a notification and the following occurrences are guaranteed to work. -
Bárbara Lúcia commented
This functionality would help me a lot!!
I'd like to see all the tasks I have to do without havind to mark the previous ones as concluded -
Jakub commented
Some help could be adding another "upcoming" category, like "next week" or "next month". The current upcoming category is too broad.
Anonymous commented
I have certain recurrent tasks I set for building habits. However, on days when I have not completed my habits, I can't leave them unchecked before moving onto the next day. I will have not have completed the task, but would be forced to tick it as complete anyways to move it to the next day, and it doesn't really make me feel particularly accomplished.
What I wish to see is the ability to move recurrent tasks to the next day without having to mark them as complete. Thanks!
merlinregis commented
Personal trick I use : when I start one of those recurrences, I add a subtask which is simply the date, time
When I complete it, I add "DONE" to it, and mark that subtask as completed
Example :
2050-01-01 0:00 DONE -
Carly commented
As it is set up now, if I want to make a task recur on a daily basis, I have to mark it as complete “Today” before it will show up on my calendar for “Tomorrow” and all future dates. It would be so helpful to at least have the OPTION to make recurring tasks visible on the calendar on all future dates so that I can plan my day around them. For instance, I want to remember to clean out my email inbox every morning and I want to be able to check it off my Task List. I don’t want this to be categorized as an Event. I want it to be a visible Task on my calendar so that I can not only remember to do it, but to make sure I don’t schedule other meetings or events during that time. Please add this functionality!
Bry commented
I agree on this. I'm really elated when crossing out items on my to do list. I'd like my recurring tasks to appear on all the dates I planned to do them over and over again. I think will help me form a habit
tabithastuckey commented
I want repeating tasks more than recurring tasks. If every day at 4 PM I want a reminder to meet my daughter at her school, I want to see that show up on my calendar view each day as well as under today, tomorrow, etc on tasks view. This helps with planning ahead. Right now I have to complete the recurring task before it shows up in the next day.
Anonymous commented
When I look in my calendar to see how busy I'm going to be it's important that all recurring tasks are present. Otherwise I think I'm free when in fact I could have a whole load to do.
Nicole commented
I struggle with this same challenge. But it's a two-faced issue. I don't want my recurring task that happens only once a year to stay in the "upcoming" list. But it doesn't make sense in the "Someday" list since that list is more for "unscheduled" items. But if it lingers in my upcoming list, it's hard to figure out what I really need to do.
What about the idea of adding a "scheduled" section. So now you would have today, tomorrow, upcoming, scheduled & someday.
The idea being that on June 1st when I complete my annual task of say "spring cleaning" I can mark it complete, (as per current functionality) it would set the next due date to be June 1st next year. And it would automatically move to the "scheduled" list.
This would move it out of the "upcoming" list, keeping that list unpolluted, but show it in the "scheduled" list in case I need to make changes to the task.
I'm not sure what your current logic is for the "upcoming" list, but it would imply the upcoming list would only show items scheduled within the next X weeks/months, not sure what would be best. Or maybe this value could be a setting, for me personally I think I would want "upcoming" to be anything in the next 3 months.
Thanks for looking into a solution for this!
If I were to REALLY add to this feature, I would also say the new "scheduled" list should show a small date in a corner for due date OR sort that list in ascending order.
Pali commented
Must have function, otherwise this app doesn’t really function as a life planner. Not seeing reaccuring events doesn’t let know remember easily whether you have that day free in 3 weeks time or not. I beliebe anybody who take there planning seriously would want to see their shedule more then one day ahead!
Lauren B commented
I'd like to be able to see my recurring tasks repeated over the calendar view so I don't accidentally overbook my future days.
dennis commented
If i have a reoccurding task for every day at 10am, and I don't mark today's tasked as done, then I will never receive a reminder for it the following day at 10am or any other day after that. And if i don't open and mark it done in the task list, i will completely forget about it forever.
Recurring tasks should reoccur or be reminded whether or not they are marked as done!!!
Gary commented
The problem is a recurring task (in this app) is always showing. A recurring task should only show when due and remain visible until completed (swiped). Recurring tasks should never be shown in a todo list until it is due. Also, a recurring task should have the option to set time. 99% of the time you just want it to appear on the day, weekday, monthday, yearday. Not at 9PM on the due date. I have rucurring task that are due the second sunday of the month. No way to do this in Recurring tasks should have a setting where they appear and stack when due or only appear on the next scheduled date following completion of the outstanding task.
Keri commented
100% agree. If I swipe a task that is recurring and see the exact same wordage reaper immediately I can't tell if I actually competed the task for today, or which day. Can there be some way to highlight it or unhighlight once you complete it for today so that I can differentiate what is due today from what is due tomorrow. It could slide to the bottom of the list or like I said be highlighted opposite of which it This is actually the third system I have tried where I am trying to get this to work. Ugh, very frustrated as it makes it very difficult to know for sure if I completed the task or not for that particular day. Please, PLEASE, PLEASE consider something to alleviate this issue. Those of us who need this list need to see it go away and then come back for the following day to be CLEAR that we did actually do that task. Please!