Calendar: Show Completed Tasks (dates)
I would like to see in the calendar the tasks completed. In that way I can see which days I have work more or less, and all the tasks done

Christy commented
This is likely to be the deciding factor in whether or not I will continue to use this app for task tracking. I need to be able to look back and see which tasks were done on which day. In addition, I need to view the tasks to see the associated notes.
Anonymous commented
I concur with many others - seeing what day I completed tasks would encourage me to keep doing alloyed tasks day-by-day and be an accurate record of when I completed tasks. This would make this app perfect imho.
Yannick commented
Being able to see what tasks we have completed in the past would encourage us to complete more in the future
Anonymous commented
Of course. Every task manager do it, that your completed task are hide or visible, but when they're visible you can see everything concerning the task. Include attachements, evaluation of task (phone call for examp.) etc. When I do a project where number of tasks and meetings is necessary I need to know what tasks I've already done and to have there notes about results of tasks (what was meeting about etc.)
Kaz commented
This is the number one request a have.
Ganjyun commented
It has been 3 years since such suggestion submitted, but this app still not add such useful feature. Disappointed for it.
Moussa commented
I will give another example to describe my idea, for example I added some tasks today and completed some of them, tomorrow I can't see tasks of yesterday, it appears only today and tomorrow and upcoming day, so I can't track tasks that repeatedly everyday, and track how I'm developing my self like in habit tracker application
Anonymous commented
Yes! Part of the satisfaction of using lists is so you can look back at your week and see what you've accomplished and when. It's also useful to remember when you did something in case you need to refer to it at a later date. Please please do this!!!
Matt Fox commented
I would like to see a new Google event added when a task is completed. Add all the notes from the task to the notes field in the calendar. This would be a super easy way to track billable events for me, and I would be able to rely on more for scheduling, instead of moving calendar events from day to day.
Matt Fox commented
I would like to see a new Google event added when a task is completed. Add all the notes from the task to the notes field in the calendar. This would be a super easy way to track billable events for me, and I would be able to rely on more for scheduling, instead of moving calendar events from day to day.
Laura commented
YES. Please create a way to archive completed tasks. If they can be archived by date, fantastic. Even if not, it is still incredibly helpful to have an archive of what's already been finished.
Samantha commented
I really don't like that completed tasks from yesterday move to today if you don't archive them.
Sometimes I forget to archive them, or I'm working late and the clock turns 12am and my completed tasks move to the next day... And now they stay as completed on the wrong day.
I see the "completed tasks" list as a journal or a diary, so to me it's important that the tasks I complete remain as completed on the date I completed them.
Anonymous commented
We need to see the date when the task was done
Anonymous commented
I agree, It cool because you can see progress, and what task and when wast the day time:). Thank you!
Mai commented
This is what I was looking for in this app as well
Anonymous commented
When will we know if this will be put in to place - I have been looking everywhere for exactly a to do list app that will keep record of when what task was completed - I have not found anything in this regard - I really need something like this - can anyone advise me? Is any one aware of such an app?
Anonymous commented
That will be great if there is a history of my taskes ... So ifI finished task A ,B @dec 20 / task C,D @dec 21 ; so i can see history for what I did
Weiping commented
so that we can search any tasks and see how many tasks we have done in a specific day. We also can feel a sense of accomplishment by review tasks.
Kaushik kamath commented
A calender must be added such that all done tasks are saved under the particular day of task complition. Done tasks will be better organised in such a calender than accumulating below everyday todo list. It can help students keep track of study and businessman their tasks!!