Grocery list: Add items by scanning codes
Add items to a shopping list by way of scanning them directly from their upc codes.
DJ commented
It would be cool if while I'm in my kitchen I could scan what is running low and have it added to my Grocery List or if I'm in the store and see something I need to pickup another time because the item is out or it is a new item and I want to get it next time I shop.
Anonymous commented
I would pay monthly right now for that. Thank you.
Mark Garrett commented
Ourgroceries does that.
Tom Etchberger commented
It would be nice if you could scan a UPC code to an open list: to make a grocery list, list parts or supplies to complete a task.
Anonymous commented
It would be much easier if I could just scan a barcode from within the app and it would be added as a task to the chosen list.
For example I can print barcodes representing groceries, and stick each one next to the place it stored. Whenever I run out of something I simply scan the relevant barcode to add the item to my grocery list.