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Be advised that this forum is related to Personal features only. For ideas regarding Workspace or Family, please go to and select the appropriate forum.
246 results found
Widget: Translucent/clear widget
Give the option to make the widget clear versus white or the other colors
60 votesTranslucent widget came out for Android in version 4.5 :)
58 votes has released the ability to collapse categories in the Date View :)
Product: Desktop app
Make an desktop add on so you can see you task easily or connect to you local tasks or calender
56 votes -
Product: Check-boxes for Subtasks
In Task View, you can not distinguish between tasks and notes. For many entries it is very confusing. A checkbox like in the calendar view would be very helpful here.
56 votes -
Search: Search lists
Add the ability to search for tasks on the Web App.
55 votes -
Calendar view in desktop version
The desktop application should have a calendar view similar to that found in the android application. When working on a computer I like to have the desktop app available to keep track of my work related tasks, however to see the calendar view I have to use the app on my phone. This is not optimal.
54 votesAlready released on desktop :)
Product: Allow to delete account from Web app
not have to download the app to delete the account
52 votes -
Views: Date + List View
There should be a view where you can see tasks in their time categories and also still see what list they are in, or vice versa. Either by a color, or small symbol to the left of the task.
51 votesLists can be sorted by timeline :)
Outlook calendar
It would be Nice to connect any do with Outlook calendar for have our Tasks on computer calendar
49 released a Calendar Integration which allows you to sync with the native calendar on mobile devices :)
Sort by tags on windows OS
sorting by tags on windows would be helpful
46 votes -
Sharing: Share reminders
If you're sharing a task with a loved one... necessary to transfer alarms too.
44 votesThis option is available in our Family and Team spaces:
Calendar: Allow for multiple calendars on desktop
We would like to use across 2 and more machines in the Office. We currently use the apple calendar and wanted to migrate or integrate the current calendar with The suggestions available currently is to use google calendar. Is there anyway we could use any other calendar except the google calendar. It is much difficult when you do not have a company google account.
42 votesAlready an options :)
Automatically arrange "upcoming tasks" chronologically
At the moment my tasks for next year are shown with my tasks for next week, in no particular order. This isn't helpful at all for planning my week. I try to manually rearrange, but whenever I add new tasks for next week they get added to the bottom of the list. E.g. When I reschedule a task in Any. Do Moment for next week, it gets added to the bottom of the upcoming view, below tasks that are due months from now... Would be so much better if they could appear above those tasks automatically. Or perhaps even a…
41 votes -
Calendar Search
This app desperately needs a calendar search feature... right now it only exists for tasks. I have literally had to open my google calendar to search for an event I could not track manually in this app. That I had to work around this with another app is what makes me hesitate from any subscription...
39 votes -
Make phone numbers active
For example, if I entered "Call Chris 212-345-1234" make the phone number active so that I can press it and have the phone dial.
38 released Action Icons that link specific tasks with calls, emails, or texting of people in your contacts list :)
"Monthly" Calendar View option
Add the ability to view all events within a given month on a monthly view, rather than just day, 3 day or weekly. Ex: Google Calendar allows the same options of Day, 3 days and Weekly but also has an additional "Monthly" option which will bring up the entire month calendar and show events on each given day of the month. This allows for better planning on a quicker, more efficient & broader spectrum to see what part of the month you are busiest or have the most free time. Screenshots of the previously described and requested feature are attached…
36 votesThis is already an option :)
Integration: Whatsapp
Interface WhatsApp
36 votes -
Integrate with Zapier or at least Pocket Informant
It would be so amazing if I could sync my tasks from with my calendar app Pocket Informant but since I know that's a pretty specific request, if you integrate with Zapier then Zapier can set up automatic triggers to sync tasks with hundreds of other time management apps that I'm sure all your customers utilize.
35 released a Calendar Integration which allows you to sync with the native calendar on mobile devices :)
Notes: Add a timestamp
When adding a new note or adding paragraph within a note it would be good to have a timestamp of the date timestamp automatically added as a subtitle above the note text.
31 votesThis option is available in Workspace and Family where you can see timestamps for all edits in the Activity section:
Calendar: Add to iPad
It would be nice to be able to see the calendar on the iPad version of the app too!
30 votesThis feature has been released in version 4.16! Go check it out ;)
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