Moment: Set Moment for tomorrow
Sometimes, you want to organise and priortise your next day before hand, and it would be great to have an any do moment for it.
This idea has been added to our roadmap! We will be sure to update everyone with new developments :)
Anonymous commented
or simply "in progress"
Tom Prince commented
#4 at suggests that this used to work?
João Paulo commented
Create a report on concluded tasks, like how much tasks you ended per week in last 12 months. It would also be good if you have same sort of statistics about categories
Karla Villa commented
I have always run my life as an ever-improving complex to-do list and really love and think it can be even more awesome. I actually went on this website to suggest this exact feature! I didn't know another app had it, but it would be a great addition to I would use this feature for study, exercise, craft projects, hobbies that I often forget to make time for... many activities and daily goals. It would be great if the feedback from the feature could be customised, in terms of telling you what % you have complied with in (for example) the last week/month/last x10 possible completions. I love you,!
Fabian Kienle commented
the option "in process" (beside "snooze", "done", etc..)
Ari commented
It would be nice if I could set a time to have a midday moment to plan the rest of my day and/or evening moment to plan the next day
Ahmed commented
add daily habit or task tracking that rewards the user
what I'm suggesting is that the user can set a positive and negative points for each task he complete ( depending on the task or habit good or bad ) so if the user complete or do a good task or habit the points are added to the total and if he do a bad habit he will get negative points and his total points decrease. The points are used to get a reward of the listed rewards that the user set ( the name of the reward and how much does it worth "in terms of points " ). Now without this feature I have to use another app that tells me how many points I have in total and you have all the foundation for adding this feature .I'm not yet premium but without any doubt I will go for premium if this feature is going to be added then I wouldn’t need anything beyond -
Charles Denbow commented
Actually it's been scientifically proven to be more effective to review the following days list. Check out "Learning how to learn" by Barbara Oakley on Coursera!
Jennifer Faircloth commented
Yes please! I would really like to be able to easily indicate that a task or a sub-task is in process. Now I change the task name to reflect status; not ideal.
Johnathan Edgerton commented
You can track your productivity and visualize your achievement trends over time. This feature is supported by todoist as an example.
Antonio commented
It could be great to mark as "working on it" on the task. I use for some projects and I need an intermediate step.
Micheal commented
Would be nice to be able to schedule more than one moment per day. For example, I would like a moment in the morning and one at night to prepare myself for the next day
Moses Wanyonyi commented
How about tying the moments to the alarm. So when the alarm goes off it can give us 10-15 min and then pop up. Avoids having to set up both alarms and the moments pop up time. I agree with Matt that working shifts or part-time definitely leads to different starting times.
Hel commented
Yes, "in progress" would be cool. Some task aren't done within a day (study for an exam, refurbish bathroom,...) but I still want to see that I've done something ;)
Armelia commented
Or Wok In Progress .
Harsh commented
One thing is to do list which app does nicely. I wish i could have a daily schedule fed in this app. Daily scheduled tasks should not be reflected with to do list as i already know i have to dp it but i need a reminder and daily habit tracker
Anonymous commented
The tasks which we see should have sorting according to the status of the task. If we are approaching the due date in one hr or two hrs and still task has not started we should get a notification. Also a task which is in process and due date is soon should get a notification. Also their should be a priority rating system for a task so that in process and to do process can be given priority within the same task
Turi commented
I would like to suggest a timeline view
So when I have a list of let's say 10 tasks that need to be completed to reach a goal, I can switch to the timeline view or progress bar and see visually where I am in the process and possibly bookmark milestones.I don't need an in detail of dates and times, that just seems to clutter everything but just the ability to mark the important dates, thanks!!!
Also, please make the task font bigger, it's hard for me to read,
Phil commented
I organise my day the night before. Because of this, I can't chose the times that I'd like to do that activity.
Alternatively, let people chose if they're planning for the next day onwards, or for the rest of today.
Ben Johnson commented
I have to use another app that tells me how many days in a row I have successfully completed daily tasks (healthy habits, etc). You have all the foundation for this, but adding a daily recurring task and tell me how well I am doing in completing that (longest stretch, % of days achieved, etc) then I wouldn’t need anything beyond