Sharing: Add admin roles
In case of shared list there is a chance that the follower of the task may delete the task without notice to the leader ,resulting loss of business. To ensure this only leader should be allowed to delete the task. This right can be given to follower by choice or can be locked.

John Yan commented
As subject, many thanks.I hope have this function very much.
Anonymous commented
in existing position member also send task to other, here you can also change like access their rights, member only see task & complete them don't send task to other party.
Anonymous commented
There should be an Option to assign Tasks and monitor it. Also a feature to sort based on whom the tasks are assigned and also to Print the filtered tasks. Filtering based on Priorities/ Dates should also be available
Emmanuel Gontcho commented
Or, he/she may delete the task by his/her side and assigner keep seeing the task.
Emmanuel Gontcho commented
When an assignee delete a task, assigner lose tack of that task. In professional environment, it is bad for review of assigned tasks. -
Richard Misek commented
The key to sharing tasks with a partner is being able to take ownership of some and 'delegate' others. So when two users are sharing, it would be really useful to allow one of them to put tasks in the other person's lists and to set reminders - but only for the other person. As is, the 'leader' and 'follower' sharing setup doesn't really have a clear function.
Anonymous commented
The task which are deligated to team membera must not get auto deleted in admin account, task must be reflect in admin's list untill he approve completion of task, otherwise any one will maniputae the list, also completed task list muat be viewed as per doer view , and should have time of completion.
Vitaly commented
how i can make no accses for delet tasks for enother persons ?
Anonymous commented
The purpose of assigning a task gets defeated if the collaborator or shared list to person can delete the task
Dave Bensing commented
This person ask for this over a year ago. I don't know why anydo has not implemented it. This would be a great feature. Don't worry there will be about 9000 more people voting for this soon.
Anonymous commented
make info for the task to define who create the task ,who completed it and who deleted it
Jeff commented
Integrate the ability to set alarms in a task (or even subtasks) for some users that can view a list, but not others. Should only be available to list "Leaders".
Radeonto commented
Protect a task for unwanted delete click or unwanted time change with some lock.
Marian commented
I need that when you give someone a task and he can not performed to permanently delete. As I can stay with a list of delegated tasks