Make phone numbers active
For example, if I entered "Call Chris 212-345-1234" make the phone number active so that I can press it and have the phone dial. released Action Icons that link specific tasks with calls, emails, or texting of people in your contacts list :)
Sankara commented
I gave my 3 votes. I am pretty sure there are many people who didn't ask for just because they have not found a way or time to ask for this feature in this feedback forum. A TODO app that works on smartphone must have. To be honest, I thought it was working before (remember seeing a "phone" icon if I had the text "call 1-800-111-2222" in a item but I don't see this working now.
John Martin commented
This is a "must have" feature for me to even consider upgrading to a premium account. Not sure why this hasn't been in place sooner. I think I asked for something about a year ago.
Melissa commented
This was possible in AnyList and need this function to make any do a productive part of my business.
Anonymous commented
YES! That's what I wanted to request.
Or at least let us chose from the phone's/Google's contact list... sometime it connects and sometimes it doesn't... -
Aaron commented
Haha! Oddly enough the example phone number you listed shows up in the app as a linked number lol
Aaron commented
Totally AGREE! Make the app scan the tasks, notes, and sub-tasks for phone numbers and make them links to auto dial the number. Excellent feature, well executed in Omnifocus for example
Bryan Althus commented
This is so obvious and yet today I ran into this exact issue twice.