Grocery List: Lists by stores
It would be nice to add a "store name" with a drop down of what you need from that store. It is too difficult to sort through all of the items if you need to go to multiple locations.
Hardware store
You don't need to see the fruit and bread if you're trying to remember what you needed at the hardware store.

Jeff commented
Premium users should be able to associate locations with each list such that default list would change based on location (or wi-fi).
For example, you can associate the shopping list with the "Stop-N-Shop" wi-fi. A notification should also pop-up asking to go to the shopping list when you are connected to that wi-fi.
Further, if a user goes to a list and starts completing items, ask them if they want to associate that location or wifi with that list. Eventually, you company could build up a db of known grocery stores for ALL premium users.
This concept would apply to other lists too like Home Depot or Costco.
Anonymous commented
Presently I am forced to make multiple grocery list.
Grocery list tries well to categorize items as dairy, cereals etc etc useful inside the store.
However if the user can add categories to the items it can be used in many ways.
User can use it as sub list within the grocery list.
They can categorize by shops, aisles, urgency etc etc.
PW commented
The dedicated grocery list is great! But! I notice it does not have a crucial and potentially helpful feature of a basic list item - notify on location arrival. If set as grocery store could be incredibly useful as a prompt incase you forgot you made a list at all!
Seema like a no brainer.
Maybe this exists. But after a quick search around I could not find this feature.Hope this is helpful!
All the best. -
PW commented
The dedicated grocery list is great! But! I notice it does not have a crucial and potentially helpful feature of a basic list item - notify on location arrival. If set as grocery store could be incredibly useful as a prompt incase you forgot you made a list at all!
Seema like a no brainer.
Maybe this exists. But after a quick search around I could not find this feature.Hope this is helpful!
All the best. -
Anonymous commented
i shop at multiple grocery and speciality stores and having my list organized by stores is more useful than having them organized by product category.
The autodetection feature is indeed nice, however not even stores but it would be nice if we were able to create our own subheaders in the grocery list so we can organize our shopping lists ourselves.
Anonymous commented
This app does not have this feature...and its a deal breaker for me. I can get a free app (MealBoard) that does this so until you enter this feature, I won’t be buying. Actually, I’m surprised you don’t have this feature....seeing you promote all the other “list” options.
Anonymous commented
I use the grocery list all the time, but I go to different grocers for different items. That list should have tags.
Wapack commented
Even groceries are bought at different location. Maybe farmer’s market, then regular store if they don’t have. Should be able to move items from one list/store to another.
John Assounga commented
Hi Guys,
What about adding a store selection in your grocery list section. So for example, I have 30 items to buy, and there are 2 different stores near me. When I make my list, I can quickly choose what I must get at which store. So if I must get eggs, bacon and milk from store a, the list can filter, such that when I get to store A, I can filter buy store and make my shopping easier. Then once I get to store B, I can filter to that store and then focus on those items.
This would help a lot in 2 specific use cases. If my girlfriend makes a list and specifies which store, I know where I must go and what I must get. Also, when sales happen we can select the correcet store to save some money. So if I look through the paper to see the sales, I can compare prices and choose which store to go to accordingly and save some money and time.
Thanks guys!
Alani Johnson commented
You can have multiple grocery lists for that purpose
pam commented
Add a store drop down option. Some items I may get at Costco, some at grocery store, some at Home Depot, etc. it would be nice to split those things out. Also the ability to add/edit categories would be nice too.
christopherchakar commented
Grocery list items are automatically categorized by what department they are located in. This is not very helpful to me. Please allow the option to categorize by store.
Kenneth Patterson commented
Insert a shopping list.
At the top you can fill in the different names of the stores you like to go to. Let the app remember their names so they can be added easy er next time you need something from the store in the list.and under the store names. you can add the things that you need from that shop or store you chosen.
This would make my life easier :)