Tracking and Reports: Completion percentage per task
Percentage completion of a task.
User could describe from how many parts task consist, and application could show in what percentage task is completed. Eg.: Task: Read a book. 22 pages of 200. Completion: 11% or: Task and 4 subtasks. One subtasks completed. Completion of main task: 25%

Joshua Phipps commented
This would be a very useful function for me as well.
Nicole Morris commented
It would be nice if you were able to show that a task is “in progress “. For example, if you make a call but you are waiting for a response, instead of marking the task as complete and running the risk of forgetting to follow up, it would be flagged as “in progress “.
Dave Porter commented
I second this - also investigating if there is a status feature ?
Anonymous commented
Meet Marley at 5 pm tomorrow.. should automatically set it up at 5pm the next day.. this is the only thing you lack..
Christina Macapagal commented
I agree. For example, during my study sessions which are normally from 9AM to 2PM I'll receive a reminder from Any.Do and It would be nice to have an option where I can choose "In progress; pause, contue" so forth to track how much time I have studied. I currently use a pomodoro timer method where I study in increments of 25 min. with breaks of 5 mins. So this would be useful to help track actual study time.
Anonymous commented
Simply have the option to show % complete for each task. For example the denominations could be each 10% of completeness eg one task is 20% complete, the next task is 60% complete. With each task would be a coloured bar or line graphically indicating the state of completeness.
Anonymous commented
I am testing the app “Things 3” app. I have yet to delete my app as of yet. I really like the feature of the circle which shows the progress of your task. If could implement that into its task list would remain my go to “To Do” app.
Max commented build 12508
Wouldn't it be great to have the subtask count back so you always know the amount of subtasks per task?
Anonymous commented
Put the date and the completion percentage of all our work to Weekly, monthly and yearly. Put a place to create a perspective
Anonymous commented
Progress Bar when you are complete the tasks for the day
Corvin Adkins commented
This would help out immensely. It is one of the only things holding me back from recommending this to other groups. Please add this asap.
Kushagra commented
Add some indictor on the main task when you complete some of the subtasks. Like fill the main task bar with % color of the number of completed sub tasks.
Tristan commented
There should be a coloured line that will show you how long a task will take up in your day and where free time is. Example would be the line will change colour depending on tag, length of each colour will represent the amount of time allotted for such task. If the line is a neutral colour(clear or white) it represents free time. This would work in correlation with an ability to allot specific time for each task examaple being "work out" between 1-2pm, "practice guitar" between 230-330pm and so on.
Wanderson Marques de Sousa commented
If I may, I would like to suggest some details that would make your solution stand out greatly:
- Show in the lists how many tasks have been completed and how many are pending - Example: Home - 4/10
- Show the tasks the same thing, how many sub-tasks have been completed and how many are pending - Example: Paint Wall - 3/6.I believe that the development of these features should not be something big, but it will give you a huge differential in front of other solutions.
Your solution is practical and good to use and I have tried it several times, but lack these controls I mentioned above.
In the last 2 years I have researched and tested dozens and dozens of solutions for task management and small projects, but I am amazed to see that no one thought of these suggestions that I pass. Not even paid modules bring this kind of functionality.
Okay, I collaborated with you, now it's your job.
Good Morning!
God bless you.
Anonymous commented
record progress on an ongoing task or project.
Say for instance I'm remodeling my bathroom. I could either report a specific task (installed sink plumbing), or that I worked on it for 3 hours today. Have these accomplishments allow me to cross off the task for today but come back up tomorrow (or on the weekend or whenever), and that progress would be listed inside the task -
Brandon Liu commented
If working on a project or trying to keep track of grocery lists it would be a good indicator to see how much progress you've made as you check off items.
Osama Mosaad commented
Appearing progress bar on each task to show me how much sub-task i finished without open the task
Anonymous commented
You could add a function to manage projects with a percentage display of the state of the same, when it includes sub tasks.
For example: (See Attached files) -
samuel obadina commented
from the normal view it be nice if one can see a visual progress of subtask. This helps manage task better.
Anonymous commented
Simply give a "grade" daily for percent of tasks completed