Product: Import options
Import tasks as csv. file or from 3rd party apps along with dates and notes.

Hey, this is supported via Zapier
Ashoka Silk Sarees commented
We Should be able to import a huge list of tasks from an Excel Sheet....For e.g, I would like to add a list of all the insurance premiums of all my family members which fall on different dates, all through the year....It is very time consuming and uncomfortable to enter all these details individually....
Another example, would be a my children'd school calendar....
Another example would be the birthdays of all my Customers or Extended family members...
The list of such examples, is endless...And believe me, it would work wonderfully well....
Also, the main reason, people would want to use, is to be able to handle hundreds of tasks , which would be annoying to be entered manually in to revert back, as my decision to continue the subscription, beyond the trial period definitely depends on whether I have this bulk import facility/workaround available in
Anonymous commented
I am thinking of something that Notion does brilliantly.
For instance, I have a list of tasks below:
Step 1: Setup Hosting & Domain
Step 2: Install Wordpress (7:07)
Step 3: Install Woocommerce (8:31)
Step 4: Install & Activate xyzInstead of having to add each task one by one, I just past the list above and they're converted into tasks or subtasks automatically.
This will make it easier to create projects with many tasks.
Thanks, -
Harry Horton commented
If you don't plan to release a desktop app, make sure to include the manifest/PWA features so Desktop users can download the site when using Chrome. It's behind a beta flag on Mac, but already available to Windows users.
Josh commented
I'd like to see improved support from sharing to from other apps, for example if I'm looking at something in my browser I'd like to share it from that app, so click share, click and the url of that page will already be entered in the note, so all I'd have to do is add a title.
At the moment all if does when I try to share to it is just open the add reminder window.
Whenever I have entered data in any program like Excel, Dropbox, I need facility to import into
Adam Kragt commented
I would love to be able to upload a CVS file with a bunch of tasks. First column for the list, second column for the task item, third column for the due date.
I hand enter about 50 work related tasks a week for each project I'm on and I would love a quick way to enter these same line items for different projects with specific due dates.
Anonymous commented
I strongly support the requirement to provide CSV import/export function.
The current export by email is very limited, only a small part of the task list is emailed. -
Kavis commented
So I can like copy and paste stuff like this:
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Anonymous commented
Martin Richards commented
Import or export tasks for other task apps or a spreadsheet or to print
Anonymous commented
I would love to be able to import lists from an external source - whether it is simply a CSV or plain text file, or even just having a large blank field that you could copy and paste into and it would separate individual line items into separate tasks at each line break. I sometimes have large task lists from other sources that I would like to transpose into Any.Do, but entering each task individually is very time consuming.
Anonymous commented
When I take a screen shot, and select the share i con a big list of apps appears including TICK TICK, can Anydo appear in the sharing to options?
Anonymous commented
When on website, have the ability to go to "share" icon and choose "any do" and have a window pop up allowing me to add the task to the folder of my choice, along with any notes, etc.
Nitin Dharmadhikari commented
We are using WhatsApp group for daily communication. Many things including task are shared on group. I should able to add WhatsApp message with or without photo as a task in Todo list.
Debra Parker commented
It would be extremely helpful to be able to import tasks from other to do list rather than having to type everything in
Marcius Carneiro Bezerra commented
Any.Do does not appear in the list when I try to share pictures and files from smatphone to create a new appointment.
Krunal commented
Can you please add a feature to add a SMS in a reminder or To-Do. It will help to add reminders for payments or other tasks received via SMSes to the Task list.
Anonymous commented
Import from Wunderlist:
Michael commented
Start simple by making a CDF import available. Perhaps say it is a trial or in Beta
Peter commented
Just to habe ANY import feature would be a great advance.
With open source app Mirakel you have three possibilities to import task from other apps