Customization: Allow users to customize the widget use any list not only all tasks as now.
Preferably it would somehow change once I got to work, school, home automatically. I use the widget a lot. Thx for providing an otherwise awsome app :-) (PS i would buy premium if it was cheaper)
[Deleted User] commented
I would love to be able to swipe the widget to get to different lists. On my way to work, flip it to the work list. When it is time to leave, flip it to personal. Many widgets allow for this feature.
Anonymous commented
I to customize and show tasks for work only or personal only on the Widget
Teresa commented
Teresa commented
DEFINITLY! I like to SEE my wallpaper! I have the premium version and MOST EVERY app I know has the option to adjust the opacity of the widget with even just the BASIC app many times!
David commented
Transparency widget please...
Anonymous commented
The widget should allow the view of upcoming tasks also and not just today. There should be customisable options in the app on what one wants to display in the widget.
Mykl commented
A Dark Widget would be great. I also like adjustable transparency widgets. All of these save my eyes.
Izzy commented
Yes please! I love and use it everyday. The widget is underwhelming to say the least. Some other apps (Weather Underground, for example) give you a pop up when you place their widget giving you some customization options. I would use multiple lists if I could choose which ones show up in the widget.
Kapil commented
I want to customise display of tasks on widget. Instead of showing tasks only from "All" , I should have the capability to choose the folder and the order in which tasks be dispayed
Anonymous commented
The widget displayes all tasks sorted chronologically. I would prefer to see all my lists.
Anonymous commented
The widget displayes all tasks sorted chronologically. I would prefer to see all my lists.
KB commented
In scrollable widget: Need to have some control over what displays.
I prefer to use the widget as a daily task list... seeing everything that's coming up is a bit overwhelming for that tiny little box.
First preference would be for List View: Ability to toggle Upcoming and Someday tasks.
Anonymous commented
A widget where you can choose the project you want to see. Google Keep has this feature.
Flavia commented
I use the widget primarily also and would love it of we could access the subtasks from it
Nikko commented
A separate widget per list would be a good idea.
Somehow on the current version I can't or I don't know how set the widget on Date/Time View. -
Sasamus commented
Agreed. I was surprised when I found out this wasn't a feature, all other apps I've tried had it.
While seems to be the best one for my needs this lack of functionality makes the widget useless to me.
I have lists of hundreds of movies/tv shows/books and games that I want to check out. Having those mixed with my other TODO's makes it a mess to handle.
I'll have to make do without the widget for now since I feel like is still the best app for me. Although I'll sadly might have to reconsider if this isn't fixed within a reasonable timeframe. The widget makes things a lot easier.
Anonymous commented
I agree, just being able to have a single list would be really useful.
Geoff Rayback commented
Yes, please, I want to see only a single list in the widget. In fact I'd probably have multiple instances of the widget on different pages each with a single list, TODO on one page, shopping list on another etc.
Cwithe commented
I don't know what happened, but this option was doable with old version I think.
On my phone where is installed for almost a year (and updated now to v.3) I still see that option. Actually I was customizing it few weeks ago. On my new tablet however this option is not doable anymore. All I can have on my widget is: today/tomorrow/etc. categories and not custom categories.
I'm sending you also screenshots so you know exactly what I'm talking about:
- customizable widget categories (really good!!): pretty useless today/tomorrow categories: bring customization back!
Amiad commented
I totally agree. Also would really help if the order of tasks in the widget will match the order in the app. The widget is no good when it shows old tasks, and that's a shame, cause it's a good tool.