Product: Add an archive
It would archive the list for later retrieval. It would be useful when alot of list are available and not all are used. It will show less clutter
Anonymous commented
Absolutely useful! In the case of a travel list for instance, it would be so useful to bring it back up in the future!
Stanley commented
This is SO MUCH NEEDED a way to archive the growing Lists. Currently the long lists of "Lists" looks so cluttered..
Anonymous commented
Just going to say I agree. Others have pointed to templates bring needed. An archive feature is an way to reuse work in a similar way to templates while being, almost surely, a cheaper option to implement.
Sue commented
It appears that users have been asking for an archive function for years with no visible response from Any.Do. This functionality is a must for all of the reasons listed in the user posts. Is such an enhancement in scope? Is there a third party integration that can be set up to handle it?
Thank you in advance for your quick response.
Da Ka commented
Absolutelly! So pitty that you can not archive the lists, also can not to put them to special folders, so the list of your lists grow and grow and you can not do smth with this past lists if you suggest they will be needed in furute. You must see huge list and this is so strange, uncomfortable and not very safety. Please, do archive option for lists! Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Keeping a list of completed events, hidden but accessible if needed, would be a great addition to what has become my "goto" app for todo's.
Sharvil commented
I recently purchased the Premium version for all my devices and I couldn't be happier.
I recently went for trip and created several lists,
for example :
Things to eat,
Places to go,
People to meet,
Events to attend,
Etc...Now that I'm back, I dont want to delete these lists and move them to an ARCHIVE or a folder for future reference and memories. So that they don't interfere with my current lists and clutter up my current workspace.
That would be an awesome feature.
P.S. Also if those archived tasks won't appear on 'All Task' would be a cherry on the top.
Thanks!That sould
Bethany Jacobs commented
I would love the archive option, similar to how Google Keep has it. I use for different events or projects I handle so if it's over, I would love to archive it so it's not showing up on the main screen, but I can refer back to it should a similar project/event come up.
kumar E.H commented
Dear AnyDo Team,
Is this Archive option for completed tasks is available now ?
Jamie Ward commented
There seems to be no way to view the notes of a completed task without marking the task as undone first. Then view the notes. Then mark the task as done again.
Anonymous commented
I keep plenty of notes inside my tasks. It's great to have that record indefinitely
Jordan Daniel Freedman commented
I am very happy with your Application. In fact I have canceled my subscription from another very popular TO DO APP. I have used Todoist, Save the Milk, Toodeldo, To Do PRO, TO DO Cloud, just to name a few. I know that most users once they have "Completed" a task they want it to be gone for ever. In Fact that is the way it should be. NOT FOR ME I would like to keep my completed tasks for at least a year to make sure of details such as Hours of Work, Payments I make and keep track of, as well as PRIVATE notes attached to Tasks or Sub Tasks... Thank You for your Consideration
Nicholas Vanrysseghem commented
Yes please! The archive feature is why I use Google Keep. I much prefer's UI, but the archive feature is a necessity for me, as I have lots of notes, and can archive them under specific labels.
Christian Rahl commented
I absolutely love this idea! I want to maintain the history behind the tasks I complete but do not want to see it on the main stream after one day.
Jason commented
Like the title says
Hrrsn Martins commented
Hidden/show tasks completed, actually we have to delete, but archiving we have a history of the jobs, lists
Viktor Peacock commented
I'm interested in archiving tasks so that they don't flood my screen. I also want to display/export tasks that I completed yesterday (day before or any date) so that I can update my team on what I have been working for. To take this further, I would like to be able to assign sizes to tasks (T-shirt sizing). This will in turn enable me to report only on medium and large tasks.
Anonymous commented
Lists are often projects and I'd like to be able to mark the list as complete without deleting it
PK Social Worker commented
Also, allow me to get into edit mode with completed tasks so I can see it. I'm a social worker and need to look back at what i did and where to log mileage and get addresses. When a task is complete, I can only see part of it. This won't keep me using the app... :(
Yangguang Chen commented
Can we have a function to restore the earlier version of single note? I always forget the last changed version and just overwrite the item.