Recurring tasks could have a mode or button yhst allows the task to reset with every occurrence, so each day if I want to do 10 situps, wash the dishes, and eat some cheese ( things I dont actually put in a todo list but just as examples) then each day I can tick them off - or at least reset the subtasks.
At the moment, the subtasks that are completed remain s completed with each repeated reminder.
This makes the recurrent task a recurrent reminder to do a task with partially completed subtasks.
The actual tasks work as expected but not the subtasks. It's a bit odd that the completed state of the subtasks carries over to new occurrences.
I could group the subtasks as main tasks with a tag and filter. But the filter button is in a submenu, rather than accessible by pressing the All Tasks title or something. So that makes that less immediate. I am making another feature request for that!!
I have had to buy various apps to achieve this but I don't really understand why I can't from Anydo, which I use as my main to-do. I like the pop-ups but may have to try Taskitto again as this does this. I don't need tracking or anything. I'm not going to want to track my washing up and cheese eating - and there are apps for getting serious with the tracking that I use for Habit forming. But some sort of reset button or recurrent subtasks tasks mode would be good please.

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