Widget: My Day
I really like the My Day function, unfortunately there is no corresponding widget to it. It's more convenient and focused than the classic task view. Could you make a widget for My Day? It would be awesome.
Tom V commented
Please make an android widget with My Day as the focus. Something similar to the new tab in the chrome extension. I must agree with those who commented before me. I believe that this would be an excellent selling point for new subscribers as well as another improvement in productivity to improve subscriber retention. Love the My Day new tab in the Chrome extension, to everyone asking for the widget, you should check this out too!!
Julie commented
The widget is just an overview of your first section and would be far more useful if it was "my day"
Luke Forrester commented
I just put up a new suggestion on this subject, then saw your post. I thought "main thing" or stand-out feature WAS - My Day. A blank slate to the day, a fresh start that doesn't overwhelm with a long list of options that distracts and forces you not to engage with that section of the widget, rendering the widget useless for most, and for ALL who chose the app for My Day.
Lubo commented
Without the widget I'm just not using My Day at all. Sticking to calendar.
Anne Bingham commented
The widget is useless for me without the My Day feature. My Day has been a game changer for me and has kept me using and subscribing to Anydo!
Gina commented
I really need a my day widget too. It's critical to my work flow, pleeeease make one for android if possible!
Randy Casquejo commented
Love this idea!
Chris Carlin commented
this is a huge thing for me to stay productive. Id love to see it happen!
Jenn commented
I need this on Android!! My favorite part of Any.do is the My Day feature, but I rely on widgets, please make My Day a widget option!!
Utku commented
İt is urgently needed to organize daily tasks without taking frequent reminder alerts.