Reminders: Allow editing snooze options
Allow for customising the quick options (15 minutes later, 3 hours later, etc.) that show up when snoozing a task

ed commented
Configurable snooze times at least, the ones offered really do not suit me
nvrau commented
Really like "Set" as the last option. However, instead of a button, it's a text box with "Set" written in it & the cursor. User can enter what they want. i.e. "1w" = 1 week, "3d" = 3 days, "256s" = 256 seconds, "211015" = 21st October 2015, etc.
Prior to "Set" idea above, I was imagining the ability to customise snooze lengths. Then on the pop up, user can slide the row of snoozes. These would slide under the "Set" to keep it always available.
Anthony BRUNO commented
I would like to see an option to set default reminders so that when a task is entered, the reminder is automatically activated. This can look like the following reminder>entered>default. Reminder 30 minutes before time selected. Good for quick notes and reminders while on the go out in a pinch.
Romano Signorelli commented
please let me customize the default snooze periods, now fixed to 15 minutes/1 hour/tomorrow...
Romano Signorelli commented
please let me choose alert time by a simple list also (early morning, morning, lunch, afternoon, evening) allowing to customize the associated times (eg.: early morning=8:00, morning=10:00, lunch=12:00, afternoon=16:00, evening=20:00), like Google inbox app already does very well. Great if the list would be customizable adding/removing custom items.
Madison commented
I was just on vancation for a week and it would have been great to just snooze all the alerts for the whole app
George commented
It would be very helpful if we could change the defult time (currently 10AM) for tasks. This would enable me, for example, to simply click reminders on and to be reminded at 8am, when I arrive at my office, of today’s tasks.
Kaushik Banerjee commented
Without alarm an alert is of no use. How do you know you've an imp work to do. A mere POP UP will never help.
Kaushik Banerjee commented
Alarm should always ring by default for all reminders. You get an option to switch it off while setting any do alerts.
Yogesh commented
Yes, I always look for custom snooz option rather than just postponing to at most tomorrow. It is really needed feature for day to day usage.
Amir commented
For example if i have a task at 7:30pm i will be able to adjust a specific time for example an hour befor that to app snoozing for reminding me,you had this option on your older version,
And i think its so necessary, -
Nick commented
It lacks the option to choose the default time we get the notification when we postpone the event for tomorrow
Mark commented
If a task pops up to complete, however a future time is requested; I.e. meetings or appointments that are rescheduled; Enable the ability to set the specific date and time, vs only 15 mins, 1 hour or tomorrow.
Carl Whitehouse commented
Within Preferences, I’d like the ability to automatically set a default reminder time for all new tasks.
1. Each new task created would include a reminder by default
2. The default reminder time could be set to any time of day as a global preference setting.This saves several clicks when setting new tasks.
Alternately, I would like to see the date/time setting screen show the reminder (bell) icon so that I can set day/time and reminder all within one screen.
Radeonto commented
this is most powerful function, which one is missing in
Spikel commented
Yes, this seems like a logical step that would be critical. Not having it actually makes me use it less. need access to more options than just dismiss snooze or done. Like rescheduling for next wk, month, or in the future, or needing to see sub tasks or lists to complete. Love the simplicity of the app, but easier access to higher functionality from pop ups would be great. Keep up the awesome work, I'm a huge fan.
Radeonto commented
Button SET or CUSTOM TIME will be better. -
Ilya Dikman commented
if I postpone a task for tomorrow it pops up at 10AM
1.would be good to have an option to set a time for each postponed task (and to configure the default time as well)
2.if I postpone lets say 10 tasks, it rings like a crazy monkey 10 times. It would be enough to have a 1-2 notification rings -->
it should be something like if reminder time==X, then ring onceanother issue--> would be good to:
1.have an access to the task from reminder. Since some reminder does"t fit the screen and some task has a sub-tasks which are not visible when reminder pops up.
2.15 mins, 1 h, 3 h postpone can be nice defaults but it would be good to have it configurable and have teh option to set particular hour/postpone time form the task itself. something that comes up with moment feature moments very nice but again default hours a weird. 12PM is a lunch hour and it would be good to have it either configurable or set to 1pm -
Anonymous commented
As User I must be able to change default "Remind Me" setting instead of using custom every time. e.g instead of 12:00pm I want to keep it at 2:10 pm and 10:00 pm on daily basis for any reminder based on my free time availability
Anonymous commented
I want to be able to snooze Tasks like I can in outlook. And I can personally type in the number for hours, minutes and days myself. I can open it and change it to another day entirely. And of course complete/dismiss once a tasks shows up. Both from web and mobile app.