Reminders: Allow editing snooze options
Allow for customising the quick options (15 minutes later, 3 hours later, etc.) that show up when snoozing a task

Gurumurthy G S commented
Add customize time button instead of tomorrow in an event remember pop-up so that we can plan when it to execute.
It helps in postpone task for 3hrs we can set the task time as per my wish. -
Juan Guillermo Pertuz commented
Have more time options to postpone a task or be able to customize it.
Marcus commented
I completely agree. I want to be able to set the default time to after work. 10am is really annoying for me. I have stopped using the moment because of this.
Tony Q commented
When I plan my day, i get a fixed set of reminder times during the day. i would like to be able to customize these. For example, I set reminders to 8:30PM after I get my kids to sleep. There's a fix set of choices of reminder times I would like to see rather than the default set. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Yes! Let user customize snoozes!
Anonymous commented
Need pop up for all reminders and can be snoozed all times. Now we have to get into notification and have to reschedule the time again and again
Anonymous commented
Allow customized delay times in addition to the suggested ones. Thanks
Martijn Witlam commented
Like the idea but please do not remove the tomorrow button
Cassandra commented
Great idea Brett! I couldn't agree more. This should be implemented asap. ✌
Anna commented
This would be especially helpful to be able to change at any time. I like to input my homework as tasks in anydo, so it would be great to set the default time to say 10PM while I type in my homework assignments for the next week, and then set it back to a different default time when I'm done.
Serra Jefferys commented
Yes! And it would be very nice to be able to change the "default" pop-up options to your own customization, as in set the 15 mins, 1hr, 3hr to whatever time incitements you would prefer.
Marco commented
I absolutely agree. "Postpone to tomorrow" is not the same as "Postpone to tomorrow at 10 AM". Presently, if you don't want to see a reminder today, the fastest way to postpone it is to tomorrow 10 AM. This means that tomorrow at 10 AM all the postponed reminders will start ringing at the same time! Please, don't force us to go through all the reminders and lose five minutes each time we have to reorganize all of them, let us postpone them to whenever we want!
Anonymous commented
when I receive remind please give option to choose which time or day to remind me again, not only option of 15-60-180 minute and tomorrow. it's very useful.
if for example I want to remind me tomorrow at evening or today at night, I need to left the remind and go to the app and only there to choose the right time in a lot steps. -
Saleh Semsar commented
When snoozing a task, it would be a great idea to postpone it to a "custom" time
Saji Raju commented
This custom option is required, but don't remove the tomorrow. Rather than that, we can add one more option and we can easily scroll it to the right...
Saji Raju commented
As of now, we can postpone or snooze a task with limited pre defined options only. Some time the custom option is available, but not always. It is always better to have the custom time available always.
Anonymous commented
I am getting a remainder of my scheduled test task. Sometimes I could not do that due to other conflicts so I will go for snooze. The problem here is I could snooze only in any of the 3 option but I wanted to remind me in evening that was not possible.
Rob Campbell commented
I have so many tasks that I don't use alarm times so that they don't pop up.
Default setting is for alarm on all new tasks
I want to have default setting as no alarm -
Vipin commented
I like tomorrow option. Pls do not remove
Prd commented
Great suggestion. I would like to have this feature in as well. It would make my life easier.