Dark mode on desktop/web/mac/windows
I voted for all the dark mode tickets a year ago.. still no dark mode. The android app has had it this whole time. I mostly use it on my laptop, every time I check my tasks I get blinded by the PURE WHITE!
I paid for premium I NEED dark mode.. please? This issue may drive me to a new app..

Dark mode is finally here with lots of new backgrounds :)
Mindy Jenks commented
Please, for the love of god add Dark Mode for MacOS/desktop/web versions! It's the ONLY thing from keeping me from fully switching over from TickTick. So far, they are far superior, but Any.do is much more promising. I'd buy the App right then and there.
Adriano commented
Black theme for desktop.any.do
brett.jacobs commented
Please. I live in dark mode now on every app. It's a shock to my system to going from a "calm" background to shocking white just to view my to do list.
Guy Davies commented
It was a huge disappointment to see no dark mode support/dark theme when you updated AnyDo. Such a simple regression. I don't understand how you would have missed it. I don't want photos behind my stuff, I want a plain, dark mode.
MARC commented
With the release of Any.do Mac app v4.2.30 I miss a feature that was there on previous version of the mac app, Dark Theme. It could easily be an inverted version of the "Calm" background. Many Thanks :D
Anonymous commented
Need this also. The mobile version in dark mode is great, why not the desktop / web version?
nagymancs commented
some temporary solution for chrome until: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh?hl=en-GB
nagymancs commented
is there a way to change the web edition into a black/darker (grafit-grey) for the whole site with light fonts?
i wouldn't call for a full-blown themes support, but at least for less white as it burns the eyes when logging in in dim conditions
Anonymous commented
Dark mode is a must for me. Using app on iPhone & iPad. Does the Premium version have a Dark Mode? I'm willing to buy it for that reason only, but want to confirm first.
RAMR commented
It would be great to have a dark theme for the web version of Any.Do. All that white light coming from the screen late at night can be harsh on the eyes
Heitor Faria commented
I want the red/bordeaux color to the Theme. Also, easier web interface task column change.
Stephane commented
A dark theme or night mode in the free version of the app would be a great feature...much easier on the eyes... Thanks in advance.
Mykl commented
For the sake of my eyes please make this.
Sheldon Broes commented
I recommended once before if we could have a darker theme as the iPhone app version had options and the web version not at that stage and looking at your computer screen with all that white can be harsh. I see that many requests were heard and the dark theme was added to the web version, but have you actually seen it?
It's so dark you cannot see what's going on, everything just fades into the high contrast black background. Suggest maybe a dark grey, 80% black and all text and buttons just white?
Anonymous commented
I like the White theme in day and dark at night but I always have to manually change. Would be a great feature. Also change color words.
Charice Xi commented
I love this white bright interface, but when I working at night, or some places lack of sufficient lighting, it really hurts my eyes. So I hope we can have a night mode as some chatting app, to make it nightbird-friendly. Thx!
Alexandru Natu commented
As it already exists in the mobile version. Easier on the eye at low ambient light and saves energy as well