Grocery List: Add quantities
We tend to buy the same products every (other) time and so I have added standard products to my grocery list which I tick off while shopping and afterwards untick to have my base list available again. What I am really missing is being able to add quantities next to my standard products. For example, I buy often tomatoes but the quantity varies each time according to my recipes. So if I write 8 tomatoes this time I cannot reuse the entry next time but rather have to remove it from the list and add 2 tomatoes for the next list. It would be more practical if I could simply keep tomatoes in the list and then choose a different quantity each time.

We have paused the review of this feature, in favor of more critical development work. We will look further into it some time next year.
We appreciate everyone’s feedback!
Konrad commented
Adding quantity is a must for every shopping list. For me personally the lack of such feature is the only thing holding me back from premium. Please let us know when we can expect such an update.
Matt Roberts commented
Cannot echo this enough. If really expects us to take this feature seriously then quantities need to be added. A grocery list is almost useless without the amount of items you may require.
Please add this ASAP -
Anonymous commented
This is an extremely important feature for any kind of sholpi g list.
L. commented
Having the ability to specify quantity would be helpful. Also, i would love to be able to add a note to a line item. That way i could specify brand or remind myself to try something new (or whatever). These two features would make the grocery list more complete. Btw, I like this app. It’s quite functional and clean looking.
Anonymous commented
Add quantity ASAP :)
Adding info in title broke auto category match.
Anonymous commented
It would be great if we could write the quantity of products that we need.
For example:
10 pieces of fruit
500 gr of pork -
Sujay Punnoose Thomas commented
It would be great if we could have an option to include quantities for items in the Grocery List.
For example: 2 bars of Chocolate, 500g of Flour, 1kg of Sugar, 500ml og Oil, 10 paper plates, etc.
Igor commented
I need to know what quantity of product to buy according to cooking recipe
Kimberley commented
Currently if you manually write ‘4 chopped tomatoes’ as an item in the shopping list it does not recognise which category it should go in.
Please add a quantity box against each shopping item (defaulted to ‘1’ but can be edited).
MaryAnn Gallardo Zamora commented
Can we get a timeline or update if this is in progress already?
Anonymous commented
Colocar as quantidades será muito útil. Estava procurando por isso.
Christopher C Pridgen commented
Yes this is exactly what I was thinking. Being able to add both the quantity and cost would be very helpful. Also a running total would be fantastic as well. I hope that you decide to add this feature.
Brandon Morrison commented
Should be able to include price of an item
Include a number feature where we can put how much of an item we want then check of the number or something of the sort -
David Lazarus commented
To make the app more complete, and compete with other apps like öut of m...k", i suggest the following:
1. Possibly have a separate task list where the following can be entered:
price (depending on the user requirement, can be either cost or selling price).
line total (price x quantity)
running total of all line totals
This is useful for grocery lists, actual shopping, where the item can be ticked once in the shopping cart. It is also useful for creating project costings and sending pricing quotes / approximations to customers / team members etc.