Moment: Add custom date option
would Love to have a custom button for
date and time options in the Any.DO moment planner.
Thank you!

Anders Dahlqvist commented
ISO-8601 dates would be most welcome.
Anonymous commented
Add 'custom date' instead of 'in 2 days'
César commented
Yes, the Moment is a great way to start my day. It would be good to ha e the option of setting a new time when I'm reviewing the day.
Steve Conn commented
Want the push to next week done in an Any Do Moment to be similar to drag and drop by adding 7 days to the due date. This avoids creating a huge pile of tasks on the first day of next week. This is what happens with a drag and drop on both Android and Windows. If some prefer to push to the first day of the week, can it be an optional setting?
Tim Michaels commented
Thisi s an option that has been added to the pop-up reminders that's very useful.
Quite often scheduled things can change to a different day and time.
Thank's Again for the awesome job you are doing.
Tim -
Anonymous commented
Add an option to snooze for any amount of time in the Moment, the same way there is for typical reminders.
Dennis Nerush commented
If I ignored a task yesterday at 10am, in the next Any.Do moment this task will appear with that time without the ability to change it (only snooze for next day)
Anonymous commented
It would be helpful if Moment's "Later" Button had a 'custom' option, to pushback a task/event at a specific time. Right now it only allows for "tomorrow, 2 days, next week, & someday".
If I want to re-arrange my tasks for the day, say my soccer game moved to a later time same-day, I cannot use Moment to perform custom same-day changes that are already scheduled; the "today" button won't give me the opportunity. It only allows me to do custom same-day changes to something that isn't specifically scheduled. My specific schedule changes, & I need to shift it customarily.