Calendar: Display task duration
Display duration per task, in addition to the reminders itself.
Anonymous commented
And have the duration show up in Cal.
Alex commented
Need to point plan duration for each task opposite task's name.
And whant to see the summ of planed time in header of list.
For example i whant to know how much time today allotted for tasks of the list. -
Anonymous commented
When I add an idea, it would be nice to indicate how much time a task will take me. And when I end/complete a task, that I can indicate it took me more, or less time. This will help me to gain insights in certain tasks and learn to be more precise regarding my own time estimates. A visual efficiency indicator will help too. Maybe you can combine it with the pomodoro technique? - I'm more than happy to visualy prototype the idea with/for you guys. Good luck!
Kobra Herrera commented
While adding a task I would like to be able to set Time needed for the task and then see how much time all my uncompleted tasks for today need. For instance:
TODAY (2:45)
- task 1 (0:30)
- task 2 (2:15)
- task 3 (0:30) [completed]This is the last feature which needs to be perfect app!
Anonymous commented
The ability to add a time duration for each task. This would be optional.
Pietro commented
I think should be very useful having a _real_ Date View day-month based, but only for the programmed appointments (no title for days without appointments). In this way it's possible in having a clear and fast view on which days are already full or partially used for appointments.