Moment: Show subtasks/ notes
I have an item when planning my day which I'd like to look at to see notes etc, but all I can do is schedule, done or delete. Edit ability would be helpful

Darwin Goyal commented
Suppose I am in process of work on a task which has 10 subtasks.
When I run moment, I cannot see my subtasks. I don't know what all is part of the task that I want to reschedule. So I have to quit moment, goto the tasks and see subtasks and then come back to moment to decide a date for task. It would be lot easier if we could see sub tasks in moment itself -
Anonymous commented
yeah please make a way to show subtasks and attachments too!
Jo commented
There is way to much space available in the top screen, which could be used to show more details about the task. Notes, subtasks etc...
Currently moments only displays the task tittle.
Chris commented
Also, can subtasks be displayed on the main task line view. Thus, when you open your app, you will have some sort of label or identification to inform you that the task has a subtask attached to it just like the reminder label adds a bell icon to the main task line.
Anonymous commented
Can this feature have the option to show the Main tasks when it brings up a Sub task? It's a bit confusing to be looking at a sub task and not having a point of reference to its main tasks
Also can you show the list a task belongs to in the moment feature.
Btw I love this feature. It's a great way to stay on top and also fun!!! Thanks.