Calendar: Allow to drag and drop tasks/ events
Need to be able to drag and drop todo items in the calendar view like you can in the task view, this would enable you to use the calendar with both appointments and todos much more efficiently.

This option is already available on both mobile and desktop :)
Alexander Vulkanovski commented
Having the tasks on a side panel and the ability to drag and drop into the calendar, but also drag duration would be a killer feature - essentially time boxing your tasks onto your calendar
Josh Lawrie commented
This was the first thing I tried to do when looking at the calendar view. With that, I'd be happy to stay with Any.Do. Without it, I'm still not settled so will continue trying out lots of options.
Anonymous commented
Just tried calendar and drag and drop is certainly the missing feature for this to be a desirable calendar app.
Russ F commented
I almost went back to Google Tasks because I can't drag tasks around on the calendar. But the Tasks view on is so good. Good for many reasons, but one is being able to drag and drop.
The Calendar integration and sync is a good first step. But the calendar is not much use if tasks cannot EASILY be moved around in between scheduled Events.
Tasks view does not show events. Calendar view does not show ALL tasks. Some are on top of one another and unreadable. Tasks without a scheduled time are lumped together and cannot be moved anywhere easily.
Calendar view needs a lot of work. Start with drag and drop tasks to different times and days.
Zach Lyndaker commented
This would optimize my ability to use the calendar integration 10 fold!
Alli Mae LaReau commented
This would absolutely be a game-changer for me.
charles commented
another vote for this feature. adding to thread for notification of completion
Cavan commented
@Any Do. Please add this feature, I was about to post this suggestion but noticed all this already posted suggestion and would make Any Do so much more usable. Highly recommend, current way of adding to calendar takes too long.
Neil Sedlak commented
A robust, easy to use calendar integration with the ability to visually schedule tasks along side other events is the killer feature. I initially went with another product because of their superior support for this feature. Unfortunately, they have stability and support issues. This feature, along with the better support and stability, would result in a lot of new users.
Denver commented
I would like to be able to move tasks and calendar events by holding them and dragging them around the calendar view. So if I’m looking at the 3 days view, I’d like to be able to drag an event or task to another day and time without entering edit mode. The haptic feedback comes in when the event/task becomes draggable (as an example, see haptic feedback on iOS when dragging calendar events).
Also when adding a new calendar event, haptic feedback should activate when I’m starting to draw the block which roughly indicates event size. iOS calendar does this and it’s a small but useful indicator.
I’ve selected iOS, but I’m unsure if it applies to all categories.
Anonymous commented
This feature is a MUST! do any of these requests ever get actioned?
Lourrany commented
I saw that the option to drag and drop tasks in the task menu was implemented, but I can't do that in my calendar. My interest is to drag a task to a specific day and time (as is done in the google calendar) and not just change the day.
Anonymous commented
Please add a task/appointment drag /drop feature with the calendar view. It would be unbelievable for productivity.
Kutay Hırçın commented
This is seriously a must! Especially when you are on "day" view, because it already has hour sections. It will definetely improve the productivity.
GB commented
I'm within the first 15 minutes of using this app and the main feature I'm looking for is to have a series of tasks that I can just drag and drop into my calendar for the day and have those same tasks show up tomorrowand then once again I can scheduled the ones I need for that day and where, and
but not schedule the rest if I don't need them. -
Anonymous commented
one big advatege of the google calander. it would be so intuitiv to use.
Better then:
first clik on the task scroll down click delete yes click on next day click on + task whrit the same task again then click on done
with dreg and drop you would need to touch your phone just once instead of a thausent times. -
Anonymous commented
I want this feature! I love AnyDo, but am being tempted by Sorted because they have a feature like this. I just love Any Do’s simplicity, so would like to stick with it.
Noelia commented
It woult be nice if I could sort the tasks in the calendar view by drag and drop. Scrolling endless day by day ist not usefull, I can simply click the day, I want to see.
For example, if that would be possible, I could sort my tasks in order of my route. Catch up son from school, take the package to the post office and so on, and tasks which
I couldn´t resolve I would drag an drop to later or even to the next day. So the widget would show my plan for this day, and if I had to change it quickly, I click the widget,
the calendar opens and drag and drop... plan changed :-) -
Renee commented
Need this to be able to plan ideal time slots to fit my tasks into. This would make my life complete :-)
Anonymous commented
I would love to be able to drag and drop tasks into specific open timeslots in the calendar!