Reminders: Location reminders without time
As it stands now, location reminders must be linked to a particular time as well in order to be repeating reminders. I am trying to establish new habits to save time and be more efficient, like checking the mail right when I get home instead of whenever I happen to remember. Being able to set recurring reminders based only on locations would be a useful habit-shaping tool.

Location reminders in the new Full Task design do not require a time set.
Sara commented
For example, i need to set an event each monday and friday when i go to my home.
Thanks! -
Betty Bakker commented
I was about to request this feature, when I noticed, it's already requested. It has 3. of my votes.
It would help the getting to perfection.At the moment when you finish a daily tasks, you can't swipe it away for the day, or you will be disabeling it for the future. So you have there 30 finished daily tasks sitting around acting as unfinished onces, preventing you from finding those you still need to do. Which is counter productive , as instead of working through the task list quickly and intuitively swiping away what's done you have to concentrate and actively search through everything to find that task, you haven't done yet.
I can't imagine it's not frustrating and discouraging for anybody who has plenty repeating tasks.
Further on it's a great app!
Anonymous commented
I am a mobile app product manager in Silicon Valley and apparently also one of your top users (according to an email you sent me).
I would like to suggest the following feature: daily tasks that disappear when you swipe them complete, then reappear the next calendar day. I currently keep a list called "Daily", where I keep daily tasks such as reading the news and working out. I find that the closest approximation to my suggested feature is setting up a task as a repeating daily task. However, when you swipe to complete this task, the task immediately reappears, this time scheduled for the next day. It makes me feel like I didn't complete the task at all, even though I did.
A better user experience would be: 1) Swipe to complete, 2) Task disappears, 3) Task reappears after 12:00am, or at a repeating time designated by the user.
An app that does this well is the app Productive, which has gained some traction lately. Of course, I would never cheat on with other apps.
Thank you,