Tasks: Display notes/ subtasks for Completed Tasks
Notes are added to tasks. But when completed, the tasks are shown in the completed list, there is no provision to see notes in the completed list

Madhu commented
+1 for rearrange sub-task feature.
Adam commented
+1 to the main idea
+1 to the visual cue of number of sub tasks without tapping on task. Keep it minimal though
Gaurav commented
When you are using a todo app on your phone, two things matter the most: 1) Ability to add a task on the fly, 2) Ability to look at your tasks (including subtasks) without too many taps. I absolutely love the Any.Do UI. However, lack of a straightforward way to go about subtasks and dysfunctional integrations with other apps like Cloudmagic make me keep going back to Todoist.
Pat Taylor commented
Also, when in list mode, there should some sort of visual cue (icon) that a sub task exists at all. I don't want to have to tap an item just to see if theres a sub task attached. Just have a little icon after the title on the main list. Thanks!
Joshua Church commented
"There should be a mark or distinguishing sign in lists for tasks having sub-tasks" +1
Jason commented
Need this feature! It would also be helpful to show the sub lists when "hovering" over the main task on the web version.
Anonymous commented
Yes this would be a great feature
Doug commented
It would be great to also assign sub tasks to individual people instead of just the task as a whole.
Anonymous commented
There should be a mark or distinguishing sign in lists for tasks having sub-tasks (both in app as well as widget).
And in widget on tapping on a task, subtasks should be open (as nested list probably) and in subtasks only 'mark as complete' should be asked. -
Angus Friday commented
Yes, I fully agree. Moreover, it would be great if "master tasks" (which have subtasks) could look different from ordinary tasks that have no subtasks. Maybe these Master Tasks could be shown in bold or have some feature that makes it clear that this is a biggie.
Ted commented
I support the request to add dates and reminders to subtasks
wade commented
Better yet, allow a hierarchy of tasks so I can have a major task like "plan wedding" and under that tasks like "entertainment" and under that tasks like "get DJ SoAndSo" and under that tasks like "remind DJ to bring special song" etc. This would make it a lot more organized to keep track of many moving parts on one major To Do item.
Tobias commented
Absolutely one of my major preferred features, hope it's gonna be realized.
Gustavo commented
Definitely the possibility of rearrange subtasks will be much appreciated.
Sajjad Fazel commented
I agree. This feature should be added
Chris Wilmer commented
There needs to be a visual cue that indicates whether there are any subtasks at all. I have many times accidentally marked a task as "complete" because I didn't remember that it had subtasks!!!
Ajilore Nickolas commented
I agree with most comments but ill still highligh:
1) Display subtasks under tasks
2) enable ticking off of completed subtasks as done..
3) integration with Google calender or at least tasks show/indicate on month view of Cal in a particular colour.
Thanks -
rostane commented
Ad a percentage of accomplishment for the task when all the subtasks are done, that would look more like project management system.
Thanks ! -
Chris commented
In addition, when dismissing a task with unfinished sub-tasks, add a notification that says "You didn't finish everything, are you really done?" or something similar.
Ian commented
Just like everyone here is mentioning please...
1. Allow adding dates and locations to sub-tasks
2. Display sub-tasks under a task