Reminders: Multiple daily reminders / location reminders
Now I can create one reminder. I would like to create alerts for a few hours and alert for one day.

A G Balaji commented
What I would like to see a change is - having the option of more than 1 reminder for the same task. Sometimes it is important to do this as the first reminder might have been ignored
John Grinder commented
Include in an event/task's repeat option the ability set the repeat to be every x day of each month, quaterly, etc. For example: every 3rd Tuesday of each month. This would be great for handling schedule meetings.
Umesh commented
Please provide an option to set recurring task on every specific day. example on every Friday evening buy vegetables. it is on specific day irrespective of date
Anonymous commented
There are some tasks which needs to be done on every working day and some tasks on weekends. For instance dropping child to school. In this case I should be able to select the recurring base from Monday to Friday only. I'm unable to find this option at the moment. If this is available by any chance please let me know. Unavailable, please consider off including this option
Brandy commented
Adding a Timer or Alarm option where users can set a task to go off multiple times in the same day,
Could not only be helpful for those of us with ADD / ADHD (our sense of time is a bit skewed to say the least)but it would also be beneficial to someone who is trying to use something like the Pomodoro Technique.
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method where its inventor used a timer to break down work into intervals, like 25 minutes then a short break follows before repeating the technique. Which is really helpful for students trying to break up study time.
This could also allow the user to break down a daunting task with multiple sub-tasks by allotting themselves x amount of time to get sub task 1 done before going to sub-task 2.
Stephany commented
I would like to be able to set reoccuring tasks for every week day or every weekend day. Right now, I set tasks for daily and delete them when thet come up on the weekend.
Anonymous commented
Add "At least once per (week/month/year)", so that a task must be completed at least one time within a date range, but no specific due date.
April commented
I use this app to remind myself of my daily routine. I would like multiple reminders for 1 task (in my case, a habit) example: reminder to wash my face in the morning AND night. I'm currently inputting tasks multiple times and it looks awful lol
Ray commented
I don't have weekdays(Mon-Fri) in the repeat option on premium
Wilda commented
Please allow us to schedule a task alarm for more than once per day. Many people can use this for things such as taking medications, getting the dog outside, remembering to drink water, etc.
Anonymous commented
Add the ability for multiple reminders of a task.
Anonymous commented
Allow user to repeat reminders in increments of 15 mins, similar to Outlook.
Alex commented
I have to take medicine more often than once a day. Or do a brake for eye retreat every hour.
Anonymous commented
Please, add "everyhour", "every 15 minutes" etc less than "every one day"
Dale Record commented
Outlook has the feature to allow recurring tasks to just occur on weekdays - this is particularly useful when scheduling recurring tasks for your working week.
Patrick C. commented
Il manque quelques périodicités pour la 5 ème étoile (tâches répétitives) : toutes les 4 semaines, tous les lundis une semaine sur deux, le dernier samedi du mois,... Un bon exemple est outlook.
Anonymous commented
It would be useful to add the option to add additional reminders if desired.
NP commented
Early introduction of this option would help users like me
Anonymous commented
Custom calendar reminders, as is the case with tasks. At the time being, I cannot set a reminder attached to my event which is 12 hours before. I can do one day, or two hours, but nothing in between.
Look forward to this functionality!
Anonymous commented
Yes, it's already possible for tasks. Waiting for it to be released in the calendar.
I was under the impression that this was included as part of my premium subscription.