Tasks: Option to add notes/ files/ subtasks while adding a new task
please let me easily add notes when adding a new task. today I must close the new task then click it again and then click over the "attach" icon to be able to add additional notes
the same for other kind of attachments
and the same for choosing the category
it should be great if the current icons you show under the task (when clicking it on a list) will be available during the very first task add operation (when asking for the task name)

Koala commented
I love the ability in Google Calendar/Reminders to add due dates/time and event/task details by including that information when first creating the event. This would greatly increase how quickly an Any.do user could input multiple tasks. Example:
Click Add Task, type in "Complete Lesson 1 Quiz on Jan 9 at 1400", submit
Would create a task labeled "Complete Lesson 1 Quiz" with a due date/time of 1/9 at 2pm. This eliminates all of the unnecessary additional mouse clicks currently required to add an event with due date and saves a ton of time when having to enter multiple tasks with specific due dates.
Further ability to add details during task name entry would be helpful, such as the ability to create sub-tasks: "Prepare for Class Thursday on 1/9 at 2pm: Lesson 1 quiz; Lesson 2 quiz; Lesson 3 quiz"
This feature would directly complement the purpose of the any.do app: save time while getting organized.
Remz commented
Adding task to specific list.
M. White commented
Add the ability to enable and select all task attributes from the task creation screen. For example, when creating a task, the user only has the options to add a reminder or move to different list. The user then has to save the task, then navigation to each attribute one at a time (assigned to, notes, attachment, etc). That is a long path to fully set up one task. Also would be nice to assign a task to multiple people.
Michael Davis commented
I don't like creating the task, then having to edit it (reminder time, etc.) in separate steps. Make it all happen (or at least have the edit icons) on the same screen that you use to create the task. Task creation shouldn't require you to create the task then open the task again to add reminders, etc. Too many steps!
Chuck commented
When I enter a new task, the entire page is blank except for the meager one line of text I'm adding. There is plenty of room for the other controls to set notifications and repeat events, not to mention pick a different list. What I have to do now is press "+", find it in the view, tap that, tap the Alarm icon, go into new screen then mess with that. Why not all in one place?
Andrea Sergon commented
It would be gree to be able to select the list when adding a new task (with quick add by widget).
Now it goes under the default list and then you have to shift it under the list you want.
Why not be able to select the list directly when adding task?