Product: Tags/ labels and color coding

Color tags are officially available for all Android and iOS users!
They will be coming to the Web app later this year as we plan on releasing a whole new interface.
Stay tuned for updates on our social media :)
Ron commented
Oh man, I want and need this so much for a proper workflow… please add this as you guys are now my main to do list app...
Azucena commented
Glad I'm not the only one needing this feature! I Googled to see if there was a way to do this but I guess not yet.
Wolfgang commented
and you should have more than priority/non priority
It should be minimum 3 priority levels -
Robert Nagy commented
Be awesome give us tags
Sean Lynch commented
I second this feature request. I personally like to keep a red > yellow > green scheme for not started > in progress > completed for those tasks that can take weeks to complete.
Anonymous commented
Please bring this feature that allows you to categorise task by changing it's colocolour, which one can know it just looking at list
Jakub commented
What do you think about that?
Jakub commented
Please, you can add a priority, like is in Todoist.
I will happy, -
Javier Eguiluz commented
I have the same idea
Javier Eguiluz commented
For example, the task "repair door" needs a Carpenter and a painter. So we could have all painting jobs organised and easy to have a look. Then we could see easier all staff we need to complete the task. And, of course, the ability to navigate among projects and labels
Dano commented
How is this feature enabled?
Alex commented
Let change the default color for each lists, that way you can easily identify which task belongs to each list, by the color (widget also)
Anonymous commented
it needs ability to add multiple tags to tasks to enable context lists. This is available in ticktick and workflowy
Jesse commented
For each of the different categories that come with or are created in the app, a color code should be able to be assigned to it. That way when tasks are displayed on the widget it's easily identifiable and able to be prioritized accordingly.
Scott commented
Tagging - I like the Theme Support, though it'd be awesome to create "Tag Categories" / "Tags" with custom names and list assignments.
Alan commented
Add the Reminder's time next to or below the Reminder in Time View and List view.
Display reminders in order of Due Time and Date
Change the colour of a Reminder that is past the due time or date to red so that it stands out.
Notification: via email or App:
- Tasks for the day
- Tasks past their due date & time
- Tasks completed yesterday
- Tasks for tomorrow
Let's call it something like Digest - one should be able to activate and deactivate this feature.
Option to have "Past Due date or time" for Badge.
Integrate with Google Tasks (and this way we can also get reminders for Google Keep) and Evernote reminders.Last note: Very nice app. Keeps getting better!
Nar commented
Also add green once the task is completed. Track the number of greens and some kind of efficiency score for the day/week etc.
Patrick commented
Totally agree with this request.
Salvador commented
Allow different colors for different due dates i.e. today=color 1, tomorrow=color 2, etc.
Anonymous commented
YES PLEASE need the ability to add custom labels to tasks