Moment: Display Color Tags
When plan my day, and we have a lot item and tags, it's more difficult identify items tags, because It not appears. It's better if when planning day, every items visibility the tags corresponding. Some case we have same item on different tags.
SAmir commented
Similar to this, in the new My Day feature, which I love, I don't see the tags. No even small line. I love Microsoft To-Do because of the My Day, which now has. What Microsoft To-Do also has is that items flagged Important show a star, and appear at the top. With My Day in Any.Do though, one can't see the Priority tag. Having this allows one to follow Carl Pullien's 2 + 8 system, 10 things on your day, 2 top priority. What I like about that To-Do doesn't have is the integration with gmail. Therefore, really hope you can allow viewing Tags in the My Day view.
Michael Rork commented
I came here to request the same thing! The ability to add or change tags while in the Plan My Day would be invaluable!
Anónimo commented
When plan my day, and we have a lot item and tags, it's more difficult identify items tags, because It not appears. It's better if when planning day, every items visibility the tags corresponding. Some case we have same item on different tags.
Danerisms commented
When I do my moments in the morning, I also set my priority for the day. I would like to be able to do this during the moments instead of having to tag them after.