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246 results found

  1. Lists: Show/ hide Completed Tasks

    I would like to have a toggle inside of any list I'm viewing to show/hide all completed tasks. As it is now, the only way to get to completed tasks is to go to Settings > Completed Tasks and it is a unified list of all completed tasks across all lists. With my workflow, I often have occasion where I need to see what was completed for a given list and this will be hugely helpful to be able to quickly filter the view to show completed tasks in descending order for a specific list.

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  2. 145 votes

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  3. Lists: Enable duplicating lists

    It would be nice if we had the ability to duplicate a list. For example, if I had a list of things to pack for a trip, I would like to duplicate that list, and look at it again at the end of my trip when I'm packing again to get home. Now when I score off items they disappear and I have to create that very same list again from scratch.

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  4. Product: Translation for Web

    to change the language in web, similar to the app

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  5. Reminders: Add timer

    I would like to suggest you to implement the Pomodoro technique into I mean, I think it could make a way better if we could schedule task of 25 minutes. A lot of people are looking for productivity tools. By adding this feature to, you could make even more people satisfied by your app. The goal of is to remember, plan and make things done. It's obviously the next thing you should pay attention for.

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  6. Indicate notes/subtasks on a task..

    I often forget there were notes in tasks.. If there was an indication that task has notes or subtasks that would be very helpful for me..

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    Released  · responded released a badge on the Attachment and Sub-task icon to show the number of attachments a single task has :)

  7. collapse categories

    The ability to collapse a category by date (someday, upcoming, etc) is no longer available with the new version. It makes it incredibly difficult to move around items.

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  8. Calendar: Add a monthly/weekly desktop view

    It'd be great if there was an actual full screen month view of the stuff I need to do. Not just a generic date layout up top and then a scroll list of what I need to do on the bottom. I'm talking about a full screen month layout with all day events solid background colors and timed events in just text or something. Even if you just made the top calendar look like the widget you already provide I'd be happier. I'm just very visual and need to see stuff mapped out in advance to wrap my head around…

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  9. Views: Re-add priority view

    Allow us to view a list of all favorites in one place

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  10. Product: Add priority levels

    Hi I would like to see all my schedules in an efficient time management frame: from trivial to important and from urgent to free. But at the moment it is not possible to move the 'all' category down to the bottom. With this new patch, everyone would be able to view thier plans on the order of priority. Isn't it cool? =)

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    Released  · responded

    You may now add your own custom priority levels by using our Color Tags!

    Already available on both iOS and Android and coming soon to our new Web app ;)

  11. Product: Copy & Paste feature

    Some times I need some information and I can't copied from and I think you can add this.

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  12. minimize to system tray when close

    for windows app, when I click the close button of's window, it just quits, that's bad.

    by the way, in the categories list, I cannot find windows app:(

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  13. Notes: Enable line breaks

    Notes currently don't allow you to generate separate lines, meaning no separate notes all in one.

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    Released  ·  6 comments  ·  iOS  ·  Admin →
  14. Calendar: Search events

    Add ability to search for calendar events

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  15. Product: Import options

    Import tasks as csv. file or from 3rd party apps along with dates and notes.

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  16. Product: Add compact desktop view.

    I would love to have a small desktop view, like what the Mac looks like. I would like to have a small, compact view so that I can leave it running in the corner of my display or something. Add the choice to display “All” on it, or by category, so I can have multiple categories on separate compact windows.

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  17. Views: Custom default screen

    So, currently you can choose your default list. This displays your chosen list at opening the app. I would like the ability to choose the 'lists' page as my opening default. Or, even better, if I get my wish to see a projects hierarchy above lists, I'd love to be able to have that as my opener. Basically, the ability to choose any categorical space within the app as my default. So, I could have the ap open to a specific task, list, project or the (currently only wished for) project screen itself.

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  18. Hands Free Voice Control

    Most important would the ability to add items to the default list without touching the phone,

    Me: "OK Google, add to"
    Phone: "Bleep, OK, what do you want to add?"
    Me: "Blah blah blah."
    Phone: "BLEEP You want to add Blah Blah Blah added to"
    Me: "Yes."
    Phone: "OK."

    Better would be to add it to a specific list.

    Me: "OK Google, add to Groceries"


    Phone: "OK, lettuce, tomatoes and onions added to Groceries."

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    Released  · responded

    Google Now support is already enabled :)
    For more details you are welcome to submit a bug through the app.

  19. Being able to duplicate tasks and events

    Being able to duplicate or copy events and tasks would be really useful instead of having to re make the same event or task over and over again

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  20. Integration: Add tasks from email clients

    I need the same capibility to create tasks with the chrome extension directly from your desktop email on my mobile phone. I have to wait till I get on my desktop to create tasks from my emails.Which i think is your best feature!!!

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