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357 results found

  1. Reminders: Multiple daily reminders / location reminders

    Now I can create one reminder. I would like to create alerts for a few hours and alert for one day.

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  2. Tasks: Add due/end date w/o time

    Please let us add due dates without times! I just wanna clean my room on Sunday - I don't care at what time!

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  3. Lists: Exclude lists from the All List

    Choose specific lists for the All view / exclude unwanted lists.

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    On Hold  ·  39 comments  ·  All  ·  Admin →
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  4. Reminders: Add nag/alarm option

    This feature will continue to nag even if you snoze it. It can be only turned off with confirmation.

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  5. Calendar: Display task duration

    Display duration per task, in addition to the reminders itself.

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  6. Tasks: Prevent deleting a task if it still has active subtasks left

    If I have a task that contains subtasks, I should not be able to delete it without a confirmation checking that I'm okay deleting it along with its unfinished subtasks.

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    Added to Road Map  ·  16 comments  ·  All  ·  Admin →
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  7. Tasks: Display notes/ subtasks for Completed Tasks

    Notes are added to tasks. But when completed, the tasks are shown in the completed list, there is no provision to see notes in the completed list

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  8. Customization: Allow users to customize the widget use any list not only all tasks as now.
    Preferably it would somehow change once I got to work, school, home automatically. I use the widget a lot. Thx for providing an otherwise awsome app :-) (PS i would buy premium if it was cheaper)

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  9. Tasks: Show / Hide recurring tasks

    Hi there,

    There should be option to hide/unhide reoccurring tasks. In my case I use reoccurring task as a monthly reminder for payments and I have many. They are spoiling my Upcoming view, were I have some non occurring tasks and its hard to find them among tens of reoccurring (which is actually a reminder). They will pop up anyway when the time comes, so I don't need them listed. Or at least they should be going to reoccurring tab, instead of upcoming.

    Second one - Time view is great options, but I don't use it just because It putting…

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  10. Tracking and Reports: Completion percentage per task

    Percentage completion of a task.
    User could describe from how many parts task consist, and application could show in what percentage task is completed. Eg.: Task: Read a book. 22 pages of 200. Completion: 11% or: Task and 4 subtasks. One subtasks completed. Completion of main task: 25%

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  11. Tracking and Reports: Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly/ Yearly summary

    Add a feature to review the week. I have items I do daily and want to see how many days I accomplished everything. I also have lists that are weekly in scope (like 5 meetings per week or 4 workouts per week) and I want to be able to review how I did that week.

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  12. Views: Custom filter/ sort options

    Would be really nice if you could sort and filter tasks in different ways.

    For example:
    - all tasks depending on due date
    - all tasks depending on date they were created
    - tag task with different projects and sort them due to this
    - tag tasks with color
    - show in the task name to what project in belong

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  13. 265 votes

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  14. 252 votes

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  15. Reminders: Allow pinning locations on the map

    The app only allows you to type a location where you want to be reminded. This is a disaster because not all locations are listed on the database and consecuently you are unable to set the remider.

    It would be great if you could manually displace the pin on the map to the desired location.

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  16. Views: Custom time categories

    Custom view for the All Tasks section. allowing to change time categories to specific preferences.

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  17. Tasks: Convert tasks to subtasks and vice versa

    I use sub tasks to group tasks. Sometimes a sub task becomes a priority. Then I need to reassign it as a main task without affecting the other sub tasks.

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  18. Moment: Option to turn off sounds

    When Im planning my day in the morning, I have to turn off my phone sounds every time, because it is as loud as my ringtone volume is set. Im almost everytime at my office, it is disturbing and I dont need to hear those sounds,when I´m already watching phone and planning my tasks, it is annoying. Just one option at sound setting - moment sounds - on/off pleeeease....

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  19. Product: Add an archive

    It would archive the list for later retrieval. It would be useful when alot of list are available and not all are used. It will show less clutter

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  20. Calendar: Show Completed Tasks (dates)

    I would like to see in the calendar the tasks completed. In that way I can see which days I have work more or less, and all the tasks done

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